Contrasting Regions To be able to investigate two contrasting regions in the UK To be able to explain the differences between the North East and South East in their industrial structure and workforce What does this image show? Can you explain how it may link to the lesson
‘North-South’ divide The UK is often said to have a ‘North South’ divide in terms of its economy. Why do you think this divide exists between the North and South of the UK? The North was once heavily industrial, but these manufacturing industries have declined due to de- industrialisation The South has an economy based on services and increasingly quaternary industries.
What do you think this graph shows? Comparison of industrial structure between the North East and South East of England The North East relies more on secondary industry employment and public services, whereas the South East has more private industry in areas such as finance, scientific research and IT.
Investigation: North East England vs. South East England Research North East Research South East
It is now your turn to teach what you have learnt about the specific region to your partner
Can you explain the reasons for these regional differences?
Explain the main differences in terms of employment between two contrasting UK regions. 8 marks MarksDescription 0No Rewardable material 1-3Simple or very basic statements using little or no subject vocabulary 4-6Generalised explanations but with some use of geographical terms. Up to three developed statements. 7-8Detailed statements with clear explanations using geographical terms. Two well-developed points, plus other developed statements.
In North East England there is higher unemployment than the South East, due to the decline of traditional industries such as shipbuilding and the South East had much less traditional industry. South East England has some locational advantages such as being close to the capital city. London has easy access to Europe and is ideal for tertiary employment such as financial services. Whereas North East England is seen as too far away. Furthermore many educated people migrate to the South East because there are better job opportunities which in turn attracts businesses to this area rather than the North East. Explain the main differences in terms of employment between two contrasting UK regions. 8 marks