Sutton VA Lower School KS1 Christianity Project Trial
What do stories tell us about God? What do Christians think the meaning of this story is? How? Why?
Success Criteria I can retell a Bible story I can describe how the characters felt I can say why the story is important to Christians by understanding the meaning of the story.
Really looking….. Do you like this painting? Why? Why not? Who is the man? How is he feeling? How can you tell? What objects can you see in the picture? What do you notice about the colours used in this painting?
Listen to the story…. I wonder what each character is feeling?
Dinah Roe Kendall’s Triptych of The Prodigal Son’s Return (2005)
Hot seating activity – take the father, brother and the lost son Hot seating activity – take the father, brother and the lost son. When each is in the ‘hot seat’ think of a question to ask them to try to find out how they feel about the events of the story.
The lost son – a parable Parables were stories told by Jesus to help people understand ideas or learn things. They are sometimes tricky to understand as you have to really think about the message and teaching in the story. Sometimes we use phrases to describe feelings and teachings. When do we say: ‘You are my sunshine!’ ‘You are a monster!’ ‘He was broken-hearted!’ What do we mean?
In talking 3’s try to describe the meaning of the story
Make a story box: 1. Decorate the outside of the cube’s net with drawings that sequence the parable – you can take ideas from the images shown today. 2. Before gluing the net together, write the ‘hidden meaning’ of the parable inside the box.