Organizing Your Writing
Introductions Purposes 1. Clarify topic 2. Grab readers’ interest “hook” Show, don’t tell
Introductions Do’s Subject Opinion about subject 3 reasons/support Don’ts Introduce self as author “I am going to write about…”
Types of Leads Question – What’s the only place in the United States where you can go and feel like you’ve stepped back 200 years? Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, that’s where. For many years, Williamsburg has delighted scholars and tourists alike with its authentic portrayal of revolutionary American life.
Types of Leads Fragments – Floating gardens. Dirt bridges. Moving canoes. These are images that met the Spanish conquistadors when they entered the Aztec capital. Definition – According to Webster’s Dictionary…
Types of Leads 3 Strong Words –G–Guns, bombs, and terror – these three words describe every day life for some children. Conflict –S–Since my brother and I always fight over the sports section of the paper, I always sit with my back to the wall to avoid an unexpected attack.
Types of Leads Mystery –I–It’s the kind of food you could eat every day of the year and twice on Monday. It’s the kind of food that’s impossible to cook badly. It’s the kind of food that even fussy children never complain about. If you haven’t guessed by now, this essential food is pizza.
Situation or Anecdote –H–Hiram Bingham paused and wiped the sweat from his brow. He could hear the buzzing of insects swarming in the jungle. A few more miles and he’d have to stop traveling for today. Continuing uphill, he passed through some particularly dense foliage, then unexpectedly, the area cleared somewhat. He gazed about, hardly daring to believe his eyes. Having been hidden for 400 years, Bingham had just discovered the lost city of the Maya, Macchu Picchu.
Quotation –“–“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Today’s Americans have forgotten President John F. Kennedy’s message. We expect our country to take care of us, but we are not taking care of our country.
Opinion –T–The driving age should be lowered to fourteen. Most teenagers are more responsible than adults give us credit for being. Just because we are teenagers does not mean we are irresponsible and dangerous.
Figurative Language –M–Monday is a thick, spicy soup that’s hard to swallow, but its nourishing stock fortifies us for the week. –P–Pizza is like a sunny summer afternoon at the lake; it’s never an unpleasant experience.
Figurative Language (cont.) Monday morning always arrives at your door too early and raps loudly until you are forced to get up and acknowledge its existence.
Personal Experience –A–Although I did later in my room, I never cried at my grandfather’s funeral. I guess that is why I felt so sad for the little girl standing next to her grandma’s coffin. She looked so lost and afraid.
Startling Fact or Statistic –E–Each year, major league baseball uses the skins of 45,000 cows to create its baseballs.
Thesis Statements Road map One-sentence statement of main points Attitude or opinion Arguable statement
Three “P’s” –P–Points (three of them) –P–Parallel – same grammatical structure Clear, logical, concise –P–Preview
Non-Parallel A good friend must possess a sense of humor, being kind, and someone I can depend on. Anacortes, Washington, is a great place to live because of its beautiful forest lands, its small town feel, and it has a low crime rate. Parallel A good friend must possess a sense of humor, kindness, and dependability. Its beautiful forest lands, its small town feel, and its low crime rate make Anacortes, Washington, a great place to live.
Thesis Statements Should be: Unified Restricted Specific Should not be: Title Announcement of subject Obvious fact
Thesis Statements Common Mistakes –P–Purpose Statements – “I am going to…” –R–Repetition of title –C–Complex questions –D–Definitions
Topics: –S–Should high school students work during the school year? –W–What are three qualities of an effective leader? Decide on three major points and write a parallel thesis statement for each topic.
A Beautiful Body Paragraphs – Topic Sentences – Supporting Sentences
Topic Sentences Three main points – A good friend must possess a sense of humor. – Kindness is another essential quality of a good friend. – A good friend must also be dependable.
Topic Sentences Usually first sentence Control entire paragraph Keep writer focused
Supporting Sentences Descriptions Definitions Examples Elaboration Exploration *At least 3 details needed! * Relevant * Specific * Varied
Essays Must Be… Unified Coherent
Unity Work together as a unit Support one main idea Express related series of actions
Coherence Logical arrangement – Chronological order – Spatial order – Order of importance – Logical order
Coherence Transitions – smooth connections Repetition Pronouns
Coherence Transitions – Compare and/or contrast ideas – Show cause and effect – Show time – Show place – Show importance
Conclusion Do’s Restate subject Restate reasons Statement about the future of the subject – Reach judgment – Offer directives
Conclusion Do’s Use signal words Rephrase thesis – Every child should have a pet because pets provide companionship, teach compassion, and encourage responsibility. – Companionship, compassion, and responsibility are three gifts we can give our children in the form of a warm, cuddly, and furry friend. Come full circle
Common Mistakes Presenting new ideas Raising new issues Stating meaningless or irrelevant information
Type of Conclusions Question –I–It was the worst experience of his life. Andrew decided that it was the last time he would ever go on a roller coaster. Who can blame him?
Types of Conclusions Summary –D–Do not repeat word for word –D–Do not insult reader by saying “I wrote about…”
Strong Statement –A–A criminal, no matter his/her age, should be dealt with according to the crime. The legal system is too lenient when it comes to juvenile offenders. Laws need to be rewritten so that no more hard-core criminals go free just because they are juveniles.
Quotation –“–“You’re going to regret this.” Those were Sheila’s last words as I pulled her into the roller coaster seat. I now know she was not kidding.