Root and Vocabulary Words Week 6
SOMN Latin somnus “sleep” SOMNOLENT (adj)- drowsy, sleepy The somnolent student did not pass the quiz because he missed the instruction while he was sleeping. SOPOR Latin spoor “sleep” SOPORIFIC (adj)- causing sleep or fatigue Although I normally enjoy English, today’s lecture on roots was rather soporific. SOPOR (n)- sleep; drowsiness My sopor is a direct result from spending too much time on my phone and not enough time sleeping.
LANG Latin Languere “to be weak, be faint” LANGUID (adj)- lacking energy; weak I got a languid wave from my sick grandmother when I went to visit her the other day. LANGUISH (v)- to waste away I would certainly languish if I was forced to be a vegetarian. LANGUOR (n)- lack of physical or mental energy The heat wave that the city had been experiencing for three weeks left residents in a state of languor.
VIGIL Latin Vigil- “watchful” VIGILANT (adj)- on the alert; watchful The old lady that lives down the street keeps a vigilant eye on any happenings of the neighborhood. VIGILANTE (n)- someone who takes law enforcement into his/her own hands Batman is a vigilante; he catches and beats up criminals because Gotham’s city police do not do a very good job.
QUIES Latin Quiescere, Quietus- “to rest” ACQUIESCE (v)- to give in ElizabethElizabeth: Captain Barbossa, I am here to negotiate the cessation of hostilities against Port Royal. BarbossaBarbossa: There are a lot of long words in there, Miss; we're naught but humble pirates. What is it that you want? ElizabethElizabeth: I want you to leave and never come back. BarbossaBarbossa: I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means "no". REQUIEM (n)- a song or religious service for the dead or lost Verdi composed a moving requiem about Romeo and Juliet. QUITTANCE (n)- a repayment; compensation If you sue someone and win in a small claims court, they will have to provide you a quittance for any damage done.