DPS Data Technical Conference Empire State Plaza, Albany December 16, 2015
SERVING BOTH CONSTITUENCIES Green Consumer Smart Consumer Historically, Community Choice Aggregation customers have had to choose between lower/stable rates and clean energy. Westchester Smart Power (WSP) is implementing innovative contract structures that align financial and environmental interests by discounting the renewable product with local renewable generation and efficiency rebates
A LONG ROAD… 130+ meetings in 31 municipalities 25 Municipalities have adopted local law ~175,000 households and small businesses eligible ConEd & NYSEG delivered unprecedented consumption data 10 suppliers, including 4 of the most experienced CCA suppliers, have submitted for qualification
CONTRACT HIGHLIGHTS Tri-Party Electric Service Agreement (Municipality, ESCO, Sustainable Westchester) Fixed price bid for default product must be lower than trailing 12-month utility average rate Free opt-out (disenrollment) anytime - no exit fee Innovative 100% renewable option (see next slide) Independent certification of bid compliance and supplier credit risk in advance of bids
NOVEL CLEAN POWER PRODUCT Customers may “opt-up” to 100% renewable power product grass roots campaign to maximize opt-up rates Initial target: 10% Innovative contract structure incentivizes communities to: save $ by demonstrating reduced demand social media campaign driving behavioral peak demand management program support the development of local renewable generation community solar integrated into renewable mix, T&D savings shared evenly community microgrids: SW partner on ten NYSERDA feasibility studies (NY Prize Competition)
FORWARD TIMELINE 12/17: Circulate final O&M and ESA 12/18-12/31: Municipalities approve and sign O&M 1/5: Issue RFP 1/19: Bid day 1/26: Notification letters begin to be mailed to customers 2/1: 20-day opt-out clock begins (plus 3-day rescission period) 2/28: Customer data transferred from utilities to winning Supplier March 2016: Service to CCA customers begins
DATA ACQUISITION PROCESS PSC Order suspends UBP enabling SW to access aggregate and customer-specific consumption and account data SW agreed to pay utilities $.07/account up-front for aggregate data Winning supplier will pay $.65/account for customer-level data if contract is signed SW sends formal request to DPS staff with proof of legislative action and public outreach summary for each municipality DPS orders utilities to release data to SW
AGGREGATE CONSUMPTION DATA We have received aggregate data from ConEd and NYSEG for 22 of the 25 Westchester municipalities that have passed the CCA local law: Monthly kWh for last 12 months, by customer class Capacity tag (kW) # of residential and small commercial (non-demand) accounts (bundled, ESCO, blocked) Necessary to adequately size the bid for prospective suppliers Enables quantification of energy efficiency opportunities and GHG targets We have overcome challenge in reconciling utility database coding schemes with program structure Arriving at coding that captures political jurisdiction, not just zip code or postal name Working with County IT dept. (GIS) to verify customer address and political jurisdiction
NEXT STEPS While aggregate data is sufficient to sign a supply contract with an ESCO, customer-level data is necessary to properly enroll the program Will be significant undertaking to verify location and jurisdiction of every customer Utilities will be ordered to provide that data after initial opt-out period Our goal is to never take custody of individual consumption or account-specific data, only names and addresses (necessary to mail official program notices) Conducting pilot study with County IT dept. using sample data to be provided by ConEd, to develop methodology for addressing potential political boundary issues