Page1 Railroad Engineer The year is 1890 and you are a Steam Train Engineer. It is your job to transport a train of cars from Lawrence 7, Kansas to Reno, Nevada. You will have to learn important terms used on the Railroad, choose the correct number of cars, and plan the route. Before the steam train, what were the primary ways to transport cargo? The earliest trains ran on steam, what do most modern trains run on? Shipping methods before trains: Types of trains used today:
Page Important Terms: The Engine 2 Cab – position at the rear where the crew operates the train Chimney – pipe at the top front that directs excess steam up and away Whistle – Small brass device that uses steam to sound a loud warning call Tank – Large main body that holds water that is heated for steam Cattle Pusher– Wedge at the front used to clear debris from the track Drive Wheels – The only powered wheels on the entire train, powered by steam pistons Headlight – Mounted high on the front, it gives the crew a clear view After reading the definitions, use the terms below to fill in the blanks. Click
Page Important Terms: The Railroad 3 Station– Building located near the railroad to load passengers and freight Track – A set of parallel iron rails which guide the train and allow it to roll Station signal –A set of lights that send signal to train crews before radios were invented Water Tower – refills the water tank to produce more steam. Coal bins are usually also located nearby to give the engine everything it needs Platform – An elevated flat surface where passengers and cargo can easily board the train Click Match the terms Below to the blanks On the picture.
Page Load your train! Car typequantity x weight = total weight Cattle Cars Box Cars Passenger Cars Caboose Total Numer of cars:Total Train Weight: 4 There is a very complex formula that determines how many cars your train can haul. It takes into account how flat the land is, how fast you need to go, and how heavy the load is. We will assume your train can haul 200,000 tons. Select the type and number of cars you will add to your train. Remember not to exceed you’re the 200,000 ton limit! Don’t forget to add a caboose for your crew to sleep in! Cattle cars were used to move livestock including cows, horses, and hogs. 20 tons each Box cars were used to haul many types of goods from furniture to textiles. 15 tons each Passenger cars carry people. For safety you can have no more than 8 passenger cars 8 tons each Cabooses gave the train crew a place to live on long hauls, add one to the end of your train. 6 tons.