The European Open Science Cloud EGI Conference 2016, Amsterdam Third Community Workshop on Open Science Cloud 7 April 2016
The European Open Science Cloud
The Commissioner's view … we must create infrastructure. Europe's final transition must be one from fragmented data sets to an integrated European Open Science Cloud. By 2020, we want all European researchers to be able to deposit, access and analyse European scientific data through a European Open Science Cloud.. Speech by Commissioner Carlos Moedas in Amsterdam, NL: “Open science: share and succeed”, 4 April 2016
European Cloud Initiative Part of DSM strategy, strong political support, stakeholder support Commissioners Moedas and Oettinger working jointly on the 'European Cloud Initiative'. Juncker, Ansip, Merkel, LUX Presidency, NL Presidency, EP ITRE/IMCO Report on DSM Act. Science 2.0 consultation, DSM consultation, workshop, info days, etc.
European Cloud Initiative European Open Science Cloud. European Digital Infrastructure. Widening the user base (e-gov & industry) and building trust (certification and standards).
European Open Science Cloud A trusted, open environment for storing, sharing and re-using scientific data and results and supporting Open Science practices. A virtual environment for all European researchers to store, manage, analysis and re-use data. Strongly stated needs: cost-effective, user-driven, privacy and IPR- conscious. Bringing together existing and emerging data infrastructures. Added value: scale, data-driven science, inter-disciplinarity, data to knowledge to innovation.
European Open Science Cloud The cloud will federate existing and emerging horizontal and thematic data infrastructures, effectively bridging todays fragmentation and ad-hoc solutions. It will provide 1.7m EU researchers an environment with free, open services for data storage, management, analysis and re-use across disciplines. It will add value (scale, data-driven science, inter-disciplinarity, data to knowledge to innovation) and leverage current and past infrastructure investment (10b per year by MS, two decades EU investment). Governance is a key issue.
Key requirements Cloud-based services for Open Science, enabling researchers to openly share and analyse research data across technologies, disciplines and countries. Governance platform for policy development on infrastructure and services, mechanisms for global data stewardship, decision making on funding and long-term sustainability.
Today's brief… Report of the HLEG on the EOSC Timing Role Draft recommendations Impressions from and after the WS of 15th March Update on the COM
Policy recommendations P1: Take immediate, affirmative action in close concert with MS P2: Close discussions about the ‘perceived need’ P3: Build on existing capacity and expertise where possible P4: Frame the EOSC as supporting Internet based protocols & applications
Governance recommendations G1: Aim at the lightest possible, internationally effective governance. G2: Guidance only where guidance is due. G3: Define Rules of Engagement for formal participation in the EOSC. G4: Federate the Gems across Member States.
Implementation recommendations I1: Turn this report into an EC approved document to guide EOSC initiative I2: Develop, Endorse and implement a Rules of Engagement scheme I3: Fund a concentrated effort to locate and develop Data Expertise in Europe I4: Install a highly innovative guided funding scheme for the preparatory phase I5: Make adequate data stewardship mandatory for all research proposals I6: Install an executive team to deal with international coherence of the EOSC I7: Install an executive team to deal with the preparatory phase of the EOSC
7 Immediate actions based on feed back II1: Publish the report (final draft available). II2: Develop, Pilot and implement a Rules of Engagement scheme. II3: Detail the transition and sustainability model (and pilot it). II4: Train the data experts to bridge between ‘e-INFRA’ and ‘ESFRI’. II5: Assist data stewardship planning and exec. tools for all researchers. II6 Develop the plan for what ‘minimal essential governance’ means in practice. II7 Federate Interoperability standards and best practices.
Impressions from and after the WS of 15th March – 1 Please mind the gap… between scientific data infrastructure and research data. Cloud as a metaphor vs. cloud as a technology. Where is the money coming from, and where is it going? Clarify the role of research funders, procurers and lead users. Rules of engagement are not only for service providers. Goverance: coordination, coordination, coordination… Are we over-playing fragmentation?
Impressions from and after the WS of 15th March – 2 Sustainability is REALLY a key issue – look beyond the grant. Be bold in policy terms and allow for incrementality. The INFRADEV call in the overall picture. Business model is a thorny issue, many options open e.g. ‘cloud coins’ or ‘open source dual licences’ (free use unless for commercial purposes). We need to do an inventory of MSs activities and RFOs' activities on scientific data infrastructures.
Some thoughts for a way forward - 1 Renew/strengthen OA/ORD political commitment at EU+MS level. Develop a business model for the sustainable funding of the development & operation of the science cloud (incl. a market-place to involve private sector). Develop a mechanism to ensure policy steering, incl. the interaction amongst/with research funders and stakeholders. Develop common implement principles for ORD cost eligibility and research data stewardship, including DMPs and certification/quality schemes. Define rules of engagement for scientific users of the science cloud and the business providers of solutions (incl. a market-place or platform).
Some thoughts for a way forward - 2 Ensure ‘semantic interoperability’ of research data services/clouds/infrastructures before developing a common research data ‘meta-language’ including research data identifiers. Leverage support to ESFRIs to make them lead customers and solution providers. Continue developing the data infrastructures. Support the clustering of domain-specific science clouds and their interoperability.
Some thoughts for a way forward – 3 1+2+3 constitute the ‘governance’ layer of the EOSC; 4+5+6 its ‘software’ or ‘service’ layer; 7+8+9 its ‘infrastructure’ layer.
Lead scientific users… …long tail of science Bottom-up governance Federation Legacy and sustainability Governance Leverage of MS investment Scale of scientific activity (data-driven science) Long-term funding Physics Trust IPR and privacy protection Big data analytics Life sciences Data fusion across disciplines Data and Services High-performance computing Data access and re-use Data manipulation and export Earth sciences Data discovery and catalogue Applied - engineering High-speed connectivity Economics Super-Computing Infrastructure … … Data storage Social sciences Humanities Citizen science Lead scientific users… …long tail of science
Foreseen activities Open research data the default option in H2020, preserving opt-outs. Work towards an Action Plan for scientific data interoperability, including 'meta-data', specifications and certification. Encourage scientific data sharing by creation of incentive schemes, rewards systems and education and training programmes for researchers and businesses to share data. Foster global cooperation and to create a level playing field in scientific data sharing and data- driven science. Roadmap for governance and financing mechanisms for the EOSC. Horizon 2020 to consolidate and federate e-infrastructures, research infrastructures and scientific clouds, support development of cloud-based services for Open Science. Connect priority European and national research infrastructures to the EOSC.