How do we classify something as living? Living things… 1. Have a need for energy (from chemicals, sunlight, other animals, etc.) 2. Respond to their environment (to survive) 3. Have the ability to reproduce= pass genetic info (asexual or sexual) 4. Are made up of one or more cells
Cell Theory 3 basic components: 1. All organisms are made of cell(s). 2. All existing cells are produced by other living cells. 3. The cell is the most basic unit of life.
2 Types of Cells 1. Prokaryotes= No nucleus (“before” nucleus) ◦ Bacteria
2. Eukaryotes= Nucleus (“true” nucleus) All other Kingdoms: ◦ Fungi ◦ Plants ◦ Protists ◦ *Animals Eukaryotic cells have many organelles- Structures that perform specific functions. *plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus
Cell Locomotion Cilia = “eyelashes” Flagella = “small whips” *Locomotion needed to find a food source or escape predators/harsh conditions.
Tools for Viewing Life Light Microscope ◦ Compound ◦ Stereo/ Dissecting Electron Microscope ◦ Scanning (SEM) ◦ Transmission (TEM) X-rays Ultrasound MRI = Magnetic resonance imaging
Light Microscopes Compound= 1 optical system *Magnification = Up to 1500x (LGHS=400x) (objective x eyepiece) *Images = Upside down and reversed microscopes-lg.jpg
Stereo = 2 separate optical systems (for objects that will not fit on a slide) *Magnification = Up to 100x (LGHS = 40x) *Images = 3D, normal upright, right to left image eomicroscopy/stereointro.html
Electron Microscopes Scanning (SEM) *Uses electrons instead of light to form/focus image *Used to view surfaces of objects (electrons deflect off specimens) *Magnification up to 500,000x
Transmission (TEM) *Uses electrons instead of light to form/focus image *Used to view inner structure of objects (electrons pass through specimens) *Magnification up to 1, 000,000x TEM-micrograph: thylakoid system in a chloroplast (bar= 0.5 µm). z=43&hl=en&start=21&um=1&tbnid=Ugh374nux3hqcM:&tbnh=102&tbnw=123&prev=/images%3Fq%3DTEM% 26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D18%26um%3D1
TEM vs. SEM SEM-electron-beam.jpg
X-Ray X-rays (a type of light wave) pass through tissue to show dense material (which absorbs the rays) * CT- scans also use this technique content/uploads/2008/xray/22.jpg
Ultrasound High-frequency sound waves pass through the body until they come to a border between two tissues that conduct sound differently. Then, some of the sound waves bounce back & are produced as a picture. * When used for long periods of time at high intensities, it can cause the tissues to become heated.
MRI Uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of body tissues. *Can take images from almost every angle s/magnetacademy/mri/images/mri-scanner.jpg