Western Nations Gain Power In 1800 trade with European merchant was profitable for the Chinese, but they did not view the Europeans are important
Western Nations Gain Power The Opium War Chinese rulers had long believed that all outside nations were barbaric and wanted little contact with them Europeans pushed for trading rights and the Chinese allowed trade out of one city, Guangzhou The Chinese wanted European silver and we pleased when their tea became popular in GB The British wanted to sell more good in China and their solution was Opium There was a high demand for drugs in China so the British started exporting Opium into China and setting up Opium farms in Guangzhou China banned the use and sale of Opium in 1796 British merchants still smuggled it in In 1839 the Chinese gov’t ordered for the destruction of the British open fields in Guangzhou British responded by sending naval fleets They captured Shanghai The British forced the Chinese to sign the Treaty of Nanjing which was the first of unequal treaties which opened of five Chinese ports to foreign merchants. Over the next two decades China was forced to sign more treaties with Britain, France, the United States, and Russia, these were called the unequal treaties.
Western Nations Gain Power The Taiping Rebellion The Chinese failure to resist western powers led them to believe they had lost the mandate of heaven which led to a series of rebellions starting in The most serious rebellion was led by Hong Xiuquan, (thought he was Jesus’ brother) he called for the end of the Qing dynasty His followers formed the movement called the Taiping Rebellion. They captured Nanjing China Qing, British, and French soldiers defeated them in More than 20 million Chinese died in the Taiping Rebellion.
Western Nations Gain Power Foreign Influence Takes Hold After the rebellion people began the self-strengthening movement, they encouraged government to modernize and introduced western knowledge, culture, industry, and military production This ultimately failed because Confucian scholars and powerful officials were against it. As China struggled to reform, Japan grew into a major military power. In 1894 China went to war with Japan and Korea, they were defeated quickly. Because of China’s weak military, European nations rushed to take control of China’s land United States stepped due to fear if Europe controlled China they would not be able to trade with China They proposed the Open Door Policy to European countries which would allow trade in Chinese ports under European control. In 1898, the Chinese emperor enacted a series of reforms to modernize China. Empress Dowager Cixi stopped these reforms because she thought they threatened the Qing dynasty. People who believed the reforms were necessary began to call for the end of the Qing dynasty
Western Nations Gain Power The Boxer Rebellion The Boxers were a secret society that combined martial arts training, hatred of foreigners, and a belief that they were invulnerable to Western weapons. I In 1900 Boxers sieged a foreign settlement in Beijing, An army of 20,000 foreign troops captured Beijing and suppressed the uprising. The result was humiliation for the Chinese government and the payment of a funds because European countries believed they Chinese govt was secretly helping the Boxer rebellion
Western Nations Gain Power The 1911 Revolution Due to the Boxer Rebellion the Qing dynasty started to enact reforms They est. schools to educate their youth Created a new national army Provincial gov’ts Chinese radicals called for the other throw of the Qing dynasty Shin Yixian was the leader of the rebellion and wanted to make a Chinese republic with socialist economic policies In Jan 1912 the revolution was complete and they declared China a republic This brought an end to the 268 year rule of the Qing dynasty Yuan Shikia was The Republic of China’s first President
The Rise of Modern Japan U.S. Renews Contact Japan learned how to block out the rest of the world from China and resisted others until they finally made contact in the mid 1800’s. From there on Japan grew into a great military and imperial power. Japans contact with the world was limited by the Tokugawa regime from 1603 to 1867 Americans and Europeans merchants wished to trade. The Treaty of Kanagawa was formed in 1858 after the US appeared in Japan with war ships and forced them to sign the treaty to open seven Japanese ports to American ships. Many of the Japanese found these treaties humiliating They were angered because westerners were committing crimes in Japan and not receiving just punishment. Due to the clause in the treaty that allowed extraterritoriality for American’s The making of these treaties helped the rise of Japanese nationalism.
The Rise of Modern Japan Meiji Restoration The emperor was a mere figure head throughout the Tokugawa period and the power was in the hands of the shogun, a supreme military ruler. The Japanese people forced the shogun to step down and brought their young emperor Mutsuhito. Mutsuhito took the name Emperor Meiji meaning “enlightened ruler” and reigned from 1868 to The emperor learned the risk of resisting western demands and believed the best way to build Japan’s strength was to modernize.
The Rise of Modern Japan Meiji Reforms Japans reforms during the Meiji era were very wide-spread. Official were sent on a two year journey called the Iwakura mission to learn about Europe and the United States and their practices. Japan molded their country around what they picked up from the United States and Europe and was quickly becoming one of the world’s greatest industrial powers. Children were required to be education Students were allowed to study abroad Strengthened the military Gov’t financed construction of infrastructure ness. For industry Built telegraph lines Est national currency Est postal service Build railroads Industry and production out ranked the US in
The Rise of Modern Japan Becoming an Imperial Power Japan had modernized and was ready to take the world stage. They began to influence Korea in the 1870s and forced them to open their ports to Japanese merchants. Even though Korea had promised it’s ports to China A Korean rebellion broke out and began the Sino-Japanese War China and Japan sent troops to Korea to try and gain dominance in the region China ended up losing in humiliation. As a result of the War Japan's victory established them as Asia's strongest state China recognized Korea’s independence. Japan gained Taiwan, which became it’s colony Gained the right to build factories in China Western powers started to treat Japan with respect and ended extraterritoriality in Japan
Rise of Modern Japan Becoming an Imperial Power Japan invaded Russia in the Russo-Japanese The war was over influence in Korea and Manchuria Japan won a series of battles but the Russians would not surrender They ask Teddy Roosevelt to help negotiate peace with the Treaty of Portsmouth Treaty gave Japan control over Russian railway line in Manchuria and transferred Russian leases on two Manchurian ports to Japan Also the treaty gave Japan control of Korea Japan’s victory over Russia was celebrated all over Asia and showed that Asian power could defeat that of the Europeans. This power also present a threat to Japanese neighbors as in 1910 when Japan added Korea to its territory.
Europeans in Southeast Asia Southeast Asia had long been used for the production of spices that Europeans coveted. In order to attain these spice Europeans made colonies there in the 1500s. In the 1600s and 1700s the Dutch controlled the spice trade as they held the key holding in the Southeast Asian ports. The Dutch began to grow on large plantations, this use of plantations would later be adapted in future Southeast Asian colonies. In the 1800s the British began to compete with the Dutch in Malaysia and took Malacca from the Dutch in The British already controlled much of the Peninsula but in the late 1800s began to move further inland where they established rubber factories for bicycle tires.
Europeans in South East Asia While the British increased their Malaysian control the French conquered part of Indochina. French missionaries and traders were active in Vietnam by the early 1800s. The Nguyen dynasty saw this as a threat and tried to expel the French. In response, emperor Louis Napoleon sent a fleet to Vietnam where they defeated the opposition and forced the signing of the Treaty of Saigon in This gave the French control of most of southern Vietnam. France took Vietnam in 1884 along with Laos and Cambodia. This became known as French Indochina. Railroad, irrigation systems were introduced along with changes in education, and medical care.
Europeans in South East Asia French colonialism largely benefited the French and caused many of them togain great wealth due to large tea and rubber plantations. This caused many Vietnamese farmers to fall into debt because of their inability to pay high taxes. Vietnamese farmers lost their farms and were forced to become wage laborers. Resentment of the French continued to grow throughout the 1800s and early 1900s. Siam was the only Southeast Asian country to retain independence as it acted as a buffer between the British and French controlled lands. Through skillful exploitation of European rivalries and careful modernization the monarchs of Siam were able to preserve national freedom.