Chris Ochsenfeld
State the principle and checkpoint (number and description) analyzed. The principle that I was assigned was Principle II and the checkpoint that I analyzed was checkpoint 5.1 Use multiple media for communication
Describe the specific example or resource selected (title given), the age group intended for, and the content area it covers. The multimedia that I chose to analyze was CAST UDL Book Builder, and the software is described to be used for all ages. The content that it covers is primarily Language Arts and Reading.
Describe the example/resource explored explaining how it works This software has multiple functions and it is a really good tool for students to use. The first thing that this software does is it allows students to read digital books online. The next component is that Book Builder allows students to create their own book and share among the rest of the class, with the capability to collaborate on book ideas.
Address each of the “Key Considerations” for the checkpoint. Key considerations: It allows the students who have trouble reading they can use the text to speech tool that will copy the words and read it back to the students. This is pretty cool because it allows the students to read and have the TTS following along and will assist with students with harder words to pronounce. The other thing that it does is it monitors comprehension when a student is reading by having prompts that come up. The prompt will ask questions that can score for understanding. This accounts for all learners because it assist in reading, allows for collaboration, and has assistive technology incorporated within the software. There are multiple ways for learners to communicate on what they learned and one of the way is the prompts to check for understanding. The other is that each book has a coach that is on each page to assist the student if the teacher is not available.
Share an idea you have for how this resource might be used effectively during instruction or assessment opportunities in your current classroom or your future practice. This tool could be used in a class for independent learning where students access a computer or iPad to create or read a specific text. This would especially in a flipped classroom where a teacher can float around the room to help each while they are working within the tool. I could also see this as a great tool for ESL students that are beginning to learn English, because it offers all types of grade level books.