Special Right Triangles
In a triangle, the length of the hypotenuse is equal to times the length of a leg. Hypotenuse
E1E x x 6
E3 E x x 12
E5 Find the perimeter of a square with a diagonal of 16 in.
FromToBy Doing… LegHypotenuse* Leg÷
In a triangle, the hypotenuse is 2 times the length of the short leg and the long leg is times the length of the short leg Short Long Hypotenuse s s 2s
E1 Find x and y x y
30 60 x y y x E2 E3
y x y x E4 E5
E6 The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 54. Find the altitude of the triangle.
FromToBy Doing… ShortLong* ShortHypotenuse*2 HypotenuseShort÷2 LongShort÷ LegHypotenuse* Leg÷
Trig Review WS 2