Practice Set 1 st & 2 nd Year Students: Describe one idea that can allow 8 th Grade students to understand what Graphic Design is and how it can be demonstrated at the Career Day.
Tips & Helpful Hints Presentation Isaac Alumbaugh: A tip that I would like to tell people is that you must challenge yourself; challenge yourself to learn something everyday. No matter what software you work in, Photoshop, Illustrator, or Indesign, look up tutorials and learn elements of the software. It helps tremendously and it makes things easier for you in the future.
Tips & Helpful Hints Presentation Kayla Zobel: Use Layers in Photoshop. Lots of them. If they become numerous, put them in Groups. Layers make everything so much easier, especially for more complicated images. Even though it seems like they would be tedious to deal with, it saves so much more time than going back and erasing 90% of what you worked on.
Tips & Helpful Hints Presentation Ashley Bates: Ctrl-C to copy selected object Ctrl-V to paste selected object
Tips & Helpful Hints Presentation Sam Blower: I use these every day: Ctrl-Z = undo Ctrl-X = cut
Tips & Helpful Hints Presentation Emily Coleman: One Photoshop tip: When you have parts of a picture that you need selected but don’t feel like going through and drawing lines around each individual part, you can use the magic tool. The magic tool can select shapes that are too detailed to draw around and select.
Tips & Helpful Hints Presentation Dakota Conatser: When your using InDesign, the key to getting all of your assignments completed on time, is to be very, very PATIENT (and pay attention to detail)!
Tips & Helpful Hints Presentation Liana Davis: To zoom in on the programs press 'control' and '+’ (Cntrl-plus). To zoom out, press 'control' and '-’ (Cntrl-minus). To save a piece of work, press 'control’ and the letter 's’ (Cntrl-S). Hint*: use this after you’ve named the document.
Tips & Helpful Hints Presentation Nicole Kelly: When you hold the Alt key down and scroll up or down on the mouse it zooms in on whatever your working on. It works in Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator. It helps to see the image or pixels better. +
Tips & Helpful Hints Presentation Alex Kelly: The is one simple trick to make realistic Lightning. 1. Make the background layer black (Alt-Delete fills the layer with the foreground color and Ctrl-Delete fills the layer with the background color) 2. Create a new layer of a black to white linear gradient. 3. Go to Filter->Render->Difference Clouds. 4. Now Image->Adjustments->Invert. 5. Go to Image->Adjustments->Levels and slide the black and gray selector far to the right until the white stands out very promenently against the black. 6. Erase the stray white spots that you DON'T want to use as your lightning strike and other gray or black spots. Don't erase ALL the stray gray within a centimeter of the lightning strike because it gives it a glowing effect. (Be sure to use a soft eraser and not a hard-edged one to give it a better effect) 7. Finally, go to Image->Adjustments->Hue and Saturation. Make sure the "Colorize" box is checked and play around with the levels until you get to a tint you want in the lightning. (Purple looks really awesome) That's it.
Tips & Helpful Hints Presentation Rachel Lowe: A shortcut that I have is used when you want to change the color of something in Photoshop. First, you need to use the magnetic lasso tool to trace around and select the area that you wish to color. Next, use the paint brush and set the flow to no more than 15%. While the area is still selected select a color and start to paint. You should probably use a bigger sized brush so that you have a lesser chance of over lapping the paint in places that do not need to be.
Tips & Helpful Hints Presentation Jessica Luttrell: The coolest shortcut to ever be invented for Photoshop is the amazing ability to zoom in and out by holding down the bottom button on the pen (pen from pen tablet), the Alt key and by moving the pen left or right across the pen tablet. Moving the pen to the left will zoom out and moving the pen to the right will zoom in.
Tips & Helpful Hints Presentation Megan Marsh: A simple shortcut I found out about in Photoshop helps me with everything I do. I use the History Panel to go backwards instead of using Ctrl-Alt-Z over and over again. If you go into Window and then click on History, a panel will pop up showing you every change you've made to your document. Having this panel enables to click only once to go as many steps back as you want.
Tips & Helpful Hints Presentation Austin Perdew: Make multiple versions of your artwork and compare them and see which you like more. This is always a good idea.
Tips & Helpful Hints Presentation Austin Spradlin: In Photoshop, while using the Quick Select Tool (found with the Magic Wand), you can quickly change the size of the tool by holding the bracket keys ([ for larger, ]for smaller).