Mind Maps in Research Notes Wednesday, January 20, 2016 Honors MYP
Mind Maps(pg. 61) 1/20/16 A graphic organizer Lets you separate logos and pathos Helps you keep track of which facts/details you have used so you don’t use them multiple times You wouldn’t use the same fact in every body paragraph of a research paper. Makes you think about the 4 perspectives of social injustice
Objective, Agenda, & Homework Objective: Students will create logos and pathos mind maps of the information they found through research to support their argument. Agenda: – Focus Lesson: Mind Maps with Model – Logos Mind Map – Pathos Mind Map Homework: – Annotated articles and & mind maps due Fri. 1/22 – Latin roots 6-10 sheet due Mon. 1/25
Logos Mind Map
Logos Notes (Pg. 46 of Notebook) The Logical Appeal This is an appeal to logic. It is a way of persuading an audience by use of reason. Facts, statistics, data, etc. can be examples of logos.
Logos Mind Map Block off 2 pages of your “Research Notes” section (say pages 62-63). They should be pages that face each other. Write “Logos Mind Map” in the center. Create 4 lines, boxes, circles, or whatever out from the center. Label the sections: Victim, Perpetrator, Bystander, & Advocate. You must fill in at least 7 SPECIFIC facts, statistics, etc. that support your argument about your problem IN EACH SECTION. Be sure to include the source (just title or author) of each fact.
Model See Miss Garlock’s Notebook
Pathos Mind Map
Pathos Notes (Pg. 46) The Emotional Appeal This is an appeal to emotion. It is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional response. Stories, anecdotes, personal accounts, etc. can be examples of pathos.
Pathos Mind Map Block off 2 pages of your “Research Notes” section (say pages 64-65). They should be pages that face each other. Write “Pathos Mind Map” in the center. Create 4 lines, boxes, circles, or whatever out from the center. Label the sections: Victim, Perpetrator, Bystander, & Advocate. You must fill in at least 5 SPECIFIC details, stories, personal accounts, etc. that support your argument about your problem IN EACH SECTION. Be sure to include the source (just title or author) of each detail.
Model See Miss Garlock’s Notebook
Work Time With the 3 highlighters, highlight examples of logos, pathos, and ethos in the remaining articles your printed last week. You will tape these into your notebook into the RESEARCH NOTES section. Or work on your mind maps.