Acceleration Complexity Depth Creativity
Start at the functional level of students based on a preassessment There are 18 kinds of acceleration Problem solving for whole grade acceleration should be done using an instrument such as the Iowa Acceleration Scale by a team of stakeholders Streamline teaching of unlearned information
Add challenge in the types of questions that are asked Add more variables to the situation (e.g. in language arts – characters, motivation of them, and structure of the piece) Use multiple kinds of higher level thinking skills and work at the upper end of New Bloom’s Taxonomy or the higher levels of the Depth of Knowledge Model
Use higher level concepts, issues, and themes to make connections within and between disciplines (e.g. systems, variability) Repeat these concepts, issues, and themes multiple times for students Use self-selected projects and research to engage students and develop an understanding of the form of the domain
Does not occur in a vacuum – it is tied into a content area (Joyce VanTassel -Baska) Requires a deep understanding of the content from the view of a professional Providing a choice of how students present what they have learned encourages creativity Requires a deliberate focus for it to happen
Turn to a partner and discuss: What ideas expressed in the discussion of the elements of adaptation have we also discussed today regarding rigor?
Discuss in a small group how you would remodel the following projects to make them more differentiated for high-ability learners. Identify the element(s) of adaptation that you are using in your remodeling.
Project Contract for Mathematics Select one of the following topics and collect data across a week: ◦ Plant growth ◦ Grocery items purchased ◦ Amount of time using a cell phone Analyze your data and report it in a graph to your classmates, explaining your findings (from 2012 NAGC presentation Supporting Gifted and High- Potential Learners in a Common Core Standards Environment: What Every Teacher Leader Needs to Know)
Author Study Contract Select a book to read by a given date and provide me with the name of the book. Choose among the following activities to do Create a mindmap of a character in respect to personality, appearance, preferences, etc. Choose a passage from your book and explain its meaning in your own words. Write a dialogue that you will role play. Draw a comic strip or story map, outlining the plot. (from 2012 NAGC presentation Supporting Gifted and High- Potential Learners in a Common Core Standards Environment: What Every Teacher Leader Needs to Know)
NAGC has published two new books: Using the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts with Gifted and Advanced Learners Using the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics with Gifted and Advanced Learners Have more examples of how to adapt the CCSS
Use of a pre-post growth model Use of advanced performance-based and product assessments with rubrics for evaluation Use of portfolios Use items that require complex thinking Use items that include above-level content for samples of new kinds of items
Other disciplines are moving to new sets of standards for example: Next Generation Science Standards In Colorado, new assessments for social studies and science will be piloted this year and be operational in Spring 2014 Colorado belongs to the PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) consortium for the development of new assessments administered online