11.3 Review Questions. 1. Name one of the things Henry Clay suggested in the American System 2. What is the name of the waterway that was constructed.


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Presentation transcript:

11.3 Review Questions

1. Name one of the things Henry Clay suggested in the American System 2. What is the name of the waterway that was constructed between New York and Albany 3. What was the problem with the Annexation of Missouri? 4. Who authored the Missouri Compromise? 5. What document declared America closed to further colonization?

Answers 1. Establish a protective tariff, Establish a national bank, Improve the country’s transportation systems 1. Establish a protective tariff, Establish a national bank, Improve the country’s transportation systems 2. Erie Canal 2. Erie Canal 3. It would upset the balance between free and slave states 3. It would upset the balance between free and slave states 4. Henry Clay 4. Henry Clay 5. Monroe Doctrine 5. Monroe Doctrine

Who was Henry Clay? Check for Understanding Henry Clay was the Speaker of the House of Representatives and a strong nationalist leader from Kentucky. Be sure to re-state the question in your response!

What is nationalism? Check for Understanding Nationalism is the feeling of pride, loyalty, and protectiveness toward one’s country. Be sure to re-state the question in your response!

What was the American system? The American System was Henry Clay’s plan to make the United States economically self- sufficient. Check for Understanding Be sure to re-state the question in your response!

What were the three parts of Henry Clay’s American System? The three parts of Henry Clay’s American System were protective tariffs, a national bank, and internal improvements. Be sure to re-state the question in your response!

How would each part of Henry Clay’s American System help the economy? A.A system of tariffs protected American manufacturers from foreign competition. B.New roads and canals helped businesses grow. C.Jobs were created for former slaves. D.The new national bank helped standardize the currency. Choose the one that is NOT true!

Correct Answer: C, The Monroe Doctrine DID NOT create jobs for former slaves

Check for Understanding Why are the years from 1825 to 1850 often referred to as the Age of Canals? The period was called the Age of Canals because so many canals were built during those years. Be sure to re-state the question in your response!

Answer: Many canals were built during this time.

What was the first major canal project in the United States? A.Baltimore and Ohio Canal B.Panama Canal C.Main Road Canal D.Erie Canal

Answer: D, Erie Canal

How did the Erie Canal help the nation grow? A.It ended the West's dependence on the Mississippi River for trade. B.It opened the upper Ohio Valley and Great Lakes regions to settlement and trade. C.It made it easier for pioneers to travel to the Oregon Country. D.It allowed more cotton to be shipped from the South to New England textile mills. A.It ended the West's dependence on the Mississippi River for trade. B.It opened the upper Ohio Valley and Great Lakes regions to settlement and trade. C.It made it easier for pioneers to travel to the Oregon Country. D.It allowed more cotton to be shipped from the South to New England textile mills.

Answer: B. It opened the upper Ohio Valley and Great Lakes regions to settlement and trade.

By 1830, the nation was using steam- powered trains for transportation By 1830, the nation was using steam- powered trains for transportation. In addition to canals, what other new form of transportation was in use by 1830? Check for Understanding

Answer: In addition to canals, trains were a new source of transportation in the 1830s.

Improvements in rail travel led to a decline in the use of canals. Check for Understanding How did improvements in rail travel affect canals? Be sure to re-state the question in your response!

Answer: Improvements in rail traffic (trains) decreased the use of canals.

How did the Rush-Bagot Agreement ease tensions between the United States and Great Britain? The Rush-Bagot Agreement eased tensions between the United States and Great Britain by limiting each side’s naval forces on the Great Lakes. Check for Understanding

How did the Convention of 1818 ease tensions between the United States and Great Britain? The Convention of 1818 eased tensions between the United States and Great Britain by setting the 49th parallel as the U.S.-Canadian border as far west as the Rocky Mountains. Check for Understanding

What caused tensions to grow between the United States and Spain? Tensions grew between the United States and Spain because they disagreed on the boundaries of the Louisiana Purchase and the ownership of West Florida. Check for Understanding

Be sure to re-state the question in your response! What is sectionalism? Sectionalism is the placing of the interests of one’s own region ahead of those of the nation as a whole.

What is the difference between sectionalism and nationalism? A.Sectionalism is loyalty to the interests of your own region of the country. B.Sectionalism is a feeling of pride, loyalty, and protectiveness toward one's country. C.Nationalism is loyalty to the interests of your own region of the country. D.Nationalism is a feeling of pride, loyalty, and protectiveness toward one's country. Choose TWO that are true!

Answer: A.Sectionalism is loyalty to the interests of your own region of the country. & D. Nationalism is a feeling of pride, loyalty, and protectiveness toward one's country.

Why did Missouri’s application for statehood become a major issue? A.Spain still claimed to own Missouri. B.It would upset the balance of power between the free states and the slave states. C.Strict constructionists claimed the Constitution did not allow states west of the Mississippi. D.Its proposed state constitution contained a secession clause.

Answer: B. It would upset the balance of power between the free states and the slave states.

A.It divided Missouri into free counties and slave counties. B.It limited the number of slaves that could be imported legally from Africa. C.It kept the balance of slave and free states in the Senate by creating Maine as a free state. D.It allowed Missouri to come in as a slave state, but banning slavery in the next state to enter the Union. How did the Missouri Compromise resolve a conflict between the North and South ?

Answer: C. It kept the balance of slave and free states in the Senate by creating Maine as a free state.

What was happening in Latin America during the Monroe administration? Check for Understanding European monarchies were planning to help Spain and Portugal regain their colonies that had successfully fought for their independence.

Check for Understanding What was the Monroe Doctrine? The Monroe Doctrine was a statement of U.S. opposition to any European interference in the Western Hemisphere. Be sure to re-state the question in your response!

What promise did Monroe make to European nations? President Monroe promised that the United States would stay out of European affairs. Check for Understanding Be sure to re-state the question in your response!

What was the main message of the Monroe Doctrine? A.The United States would no longer honor the Treaty of Ghent. B.The United States should annex Canada. C.Latin America was closed to further colonization by Europe. D.The United States should annex Latin America.

Answer: Latin America was closed to further colonization by Europe. C. Latin America was closed to further colonization by Europe.

To whom was the Monroe Doctrine directed? A.Territories of the United States B.Latin American nations C.European nations D.Canada and Mexico A.Territories of the United States B.Latin American nations C.European nations D.Canada and Mexico

Answer: C. European nations