Modeling of Service Oriented Architecture: From Business Process to Service Realization Petr Weiss and Marek Rychlý Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Republic
Modeling of Service Oriented Architecture: From Business Process to Service Realization Outline - Service-Oriented Architecture - Transformation of a BPD into service diagrams - Example - Conclusion
Part I Service-Oriented Architecture Modeling of Service Oriented Architecture: From Business Process to Service Realization
Service-Oriented Architecture Introduction Service-Oriented Architecture is a complex solution for analysis, design, maintaining and integration of enterprise applications that are based on services. Services are re-usable autonomous platform-independent entities that provide one or more functional capabilities which are accessible through an abstract interface.
Service Oriented Architecture Motivation The goal of SOA is to align business and IT architectures.
Part II Transformation of BP diagrams into service diagrams Modeling of Service Oriented Architecture: From Business Process to Service Realization
Motivation: How to bridge the gap between business and IT models? Input: Business process diagram denoted in BPMN Output: UML component, activity and sequence diagrams Steps: 1. Service identification >> service invocation tasks 2. Static models of services >> services and interfaces 3. Dynamic models of services >> service behavior and collaboration 4. Service choreography >> realization of the BP Constrains and conditions: Fundamental SOA principles (loose coupling, service independence, stateless and reusability) The transformation of a BP diagram into service diagrams
Part II Transformation of a BP diagram into service diagrams Example Modeling of Service Oriented Architecture: From Business Process to Service Realization
The transformation of a BP diagram into service diagrams Example I – Business Process Diagram
The transformation of a BP diagram into service diagrams Example II – Service invocation tasks
The transformation of a BP diagram into service diagrams Example III – Primitive and composite service Primitive services are derived according to service invocation tasks, and are responsible for providing functional capabilities defined by the task. A composite service is an access point to choreography of other primitive or composite services and is responsible for their execution.
The transformation of a BP diagram into service diagrams Example VI – BPD to services Each service invocation task is represented by a primitive service. Each business entity (pool) is mapped to a composite service. The composite service is then responsible for execution of that part of a business process that is modeled within the pool. It means that the composite service choreographs corresponding primitive services. The choreography is modeled by means of a component diagram. The business process is realized by the choreography of all composite services.
The transformation of a BP diagram into service diagrams Example V – Service specification Specification of each primitive service includes description of its architecture and behavior: - The architecture is modeled by means of a class diagram. - The behavior is modeled (for each functional capability) by means of a sequence and activity diagram. Specification of each composite service includes description of its architecture, behavior and orchestration: - The orchestration is modeled by means of an activity diagram.
The transformation of a BP diagram into service diagrams Example VI – Service invocation tasks
The transformation of a BP diagram into service diagrams Example VII – Service choreography
The transformation of a BP diagram into service diagrams Example VIII – Service orchestration
The transformation of a BP diagram into service diagrams Example IX – Summary Satisfied conditions
Part IV Conclusion Modeling of Service Oriented Architecture: From Business Process to Service Realization
Conclusion - BPD to SD transformation >> bridging the gap between IT and business - considering fundamental principles of SOA Future work - Formal description of the transformation using workflow patterns. - Integration of the presented approach with formal component models.
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