HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Author/ Zhuo Feng / Version: V2.0( )
HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei proprietary. No spread without permission. Page 2 Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Embrace the Booming Era of LTE Super equipment: hard base PTN 7900: the flagship of SPTN, the largest capacity for 3.84T, 300mm depth Mature 40GE/100GE solution, the first supplier to support 40GE/100GE 80km solution MPLS-TP/ IP dual engines, meet all scenarios for L2/L3 LTE backhaul STM-1/STM-4 large bandwidth: help reform old SDH network to packet network Smart service: soft ability From “rough” to “precise” : HQoS, intelligent rigid/plastic pipe realize smart perceive From “foggy” to “transparent”: MPLS-TP OAM realize visible monitoring From “passive” to “active”: uTraffic realize fine flow planning Y.1564: Fast demarcation, SLA metrics without tester professional Instrument Soft network: future network SDN architecture: Increase step by step, SDN evolution smoothly Simplify the complicated L3 service configuration Intelligent Flow scheduling for LTE service SPTN Lighting the Future
HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei proprietary. No spread without permission. Page 3 Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. SPTN Embrace the Booming Era of LTE S uper S mart Service perceptive Service perceptive Visible monitor Flow management Flow management S oft Super capacity 40GE/100GE Low power Simplify O&M SDN Traffic grooming Traffic grooming Soft ability Hard base Future network
HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei proprietary. No spread without permission. Page 4 Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. The SPTN Pilot Product: Powerful PTN 7900
HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei proprietary. No spread without permission. Page 5 Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. Smart Service Management: from Black Box to White Box From “foggy” to “transparent” From “passive” to “active” H-QoS: quality guarantee for multi services TP OAM: real time performance monitoring From “rough” to “precise” Smart perceive Visible monitoring Fine flow planning uTraffic: flow evaluation and forecast
HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei proprietary. No spread without permission. Page 6 Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. SPTN Realize SDN Network Evolution Smoothly 1.MPLS-TP network Based on MPLS-TP , realize 2G, 3G, LTE etc. multi service unified packet transport (has been realized) Service Orchestrator OSS/BSS U2000 Application plane Control plan Forwarding plane South interface North interface: RESTful, CORBA etc. SDN PTN Typical PTN Mixed PTN network Collaborative plane API APP Controller North interface: RESTfulAPI RNC/BSC aGW 2G/3G LTE E-Line MSCG PTN7900 OpenFlowQX, Schema, etc. PTN 910/910F/950/960PTN Half-open soft network Based on U2000, centralized control, control and forwarding plane separated. Orchestrator cooperate the typical PTN and SDN PTN network 3. Full-open SDN network based on SDN architecture, standard for interface and equipment, resource sharing SPTN architecture Increase by degrees ● Evolution smoothly South interface
HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei proprietary. No spread without permission. Page 7 Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0 Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Slide text :20-22pt Bullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:Black Corporate Font : FrutigerNext LT Medium Font to be used by customers and partners : Arial Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”. SPTN Set Sail for LTE