icfi.com | ghkint.com Presentation Two – Next Steps and Developing Projects
icfi.com | ghkint.com Next Steps Following the January 31 st submission there may be further clarifications (e.g. the opt-in position) There will not be a separate SEMLEP programme – the ESIF feeds into the operational programmes for England The programme cannot begin yet - the overarching UK Partnership Agreement and the England Operational Programmes have yet to be submitted and approved Government is hopeful of an Autumn start (projected spend for 2014 is adjusted accordingly) The approved ESIF will provide a strategic justification for projects
icfi.com | ghkint.com Next Steps Applicants will bid directly to government (as the Managing Authority) not SEMLEP Appraisal and approvals will be undertaken by government Government also addresses issues of risk (e.g. state aids issues) The role of LEPs in this process has yet to be agreed Some projects will be part of pan-LEP or national programmes
icfi.com | ghkint.com Project Development The process can start now – there are no guarantees of funding and development costs are costs to the applicant The ESIF provides a strategic rationale, financial and output parameters and supporting information to trigger specific projects An application process will be developed by government with appraisal criteria set out
icfi.com | ghkint.com Project Development New projects will address similar issues to existing and previous projects including the following (not comprehensive): Secured match funding Contributions to economic growth and strategic policy objectives (meeting multiple objectives can be a positive) Value for money Implementation plan and timescales Market failure assessment Identification and management of risks Involvement of partners (and their levels of commitment)
icfi.com | ghkint.com Project Development Checks against duplication Demand/need (including stakeholder and survey evidence) Match with other funds and programmes (including ERDF/ESF integration) State aids compliance (will need legal opinion where it is relevant Scale (easier to fund larger than micro-projects – greater efficiencies, impacts etc.) Governance and management arrangements Income generation (if applicable) Longer term sustainability Planning permission, building regulations and designs approved (if applicable) Options analysis (especially for larger projects)
icfi.com | ghkint.com Project Development Complex projects can take 12 months or more to develop and all projects rarely take less than 4-6 months 2014 funding is likely to support ideas already advanced ESIF will provide an evidence base for supporting project applications