Tooling Up for Internet Searching R Philip Reynolds Ralph W. Steen Library 2000
Misconceptions About Internet Research n Everything is online n It’s all free n You just get on the net type in a phrase and pull it out n It’s all there for the taking
The Genesis of a Search: Task Definition n One of the main reasons for failing to find an answer to an information need is poor task definition. (Marchioni) n Write down your question n Write the title to the perfect article n Decide what type of format and time frame you need your information in
Information Toolbox: Picking the Right Tool n Know which tools you have access to (LibWeb Steen Library) LibWeb Steen LibraryLibWeb Steen Library n Know the characteristics of these tools (use the right tool for the job) n Know what you are searching (know what your search tool covers) n Learn to use these tools effectively (practice)
Web Directories (Pros) n Collection of sites organized by subject n Site filtered by an expert n Summaries of Content n Filtered for content
Web Directories (Cons) n Not full text n Not Comprehensive n Not current n Filtered for content
Search Engines (Pros) n Full text searching n Statistically ranked results n Continually updated n Unfiltered n Wide range of sources n Boolean operators (logical Operators) AND, OR, NOT, (),” ”
Search Engines (Cons) n Resources disorganized n Often 3 months or more behind n 50% to 70% of accessible web sites not indexed n Searches only keyword not subjects, ideas, or concepts
Hidden Internet n The hidden internet includes information not usually indexed by search engines n Databases n Proprietary Sites n Newsgroups & Listservs n Current information n Robots Text
Pick The Right Tool for the Right Job n Different Information tools have different strengths and weaknesses n Know what you are searching and what your tool can and can not do n Many times the Internet is not the right tool
The three P’s of Learning Internet Searching n Pick three or four search tools that are related to what you do n Print out and read the help screens n Practice using these tools