Why did the US decide to go to war in April 1917?.


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Presentation transcript:

Why did the US decide to go to war in April 1917?

Lesson Objectives  Develop an understanding of the choices / decisions made by the US.  Develop and awareness and begin to analyse the reasons why the US went to war. Key Skills  Decision making & evaluation.  Speaking & listening.

Why did the US not join the war in 1914?  A lot of Americans were originally of German descent – the US did not want a civil war.  The public mood was firmly against the war.  The war didn’t seem to directly threaten American interests.  Europe was 3,000 miles away.

Why did the US not join the war in 1914?  A lot of Americans were originally of German descent – the US did not want a civil war.  The public mood was firmly against the war.  The war didn’t seem to directly threaten American interests.  Europe was 3,000 miles away.  People thought it would be a short war.  Most Americans thought the European countries should have talked to each other not go straight to war.

Why did the US decide to go to war in April 1917?

Your Task  You are an expert in foreign and domestic policy.  It is your job to advise the President of the United States (Woodrow Wilson).  You will be told about various problems and given a choice of three policies to follow.  Choose wisely. Your success will be rewarded. Failure will be punished – if you enter the war at the wrong time you may loose the war but you will definitely loose your position.

YOUR AIMS  Your policy has very clear aims:  You must make decisions that Wilson will agree with.  Protect the U.S. from her enemies.  Keep the economy strong.  Support all democratic countries and do not help any country that is not democratic.

Crisis: U-boats  The Germans have built many u-boats, currently operating in the Atlantic.  They are sinking any ship they think is carrying supplies to their enemies (eg. Britain).  Currently the official line from Wilson is that the US is not supplying Britain.

Crisis: U-boats Issue a warning to the German’s that you have a right to send supplies to whoever you like. Sink as many German ships as they sink American.  Do nothing – let the German’s attack if they are able.

10 Points 20 Points 30 Points Crisis: U-boats

Crisis: Lusitania  The Lusitania, was at 32,000 tons, the largest passenger vessel on transatlantic service, left New York harbour for Liverpool on 1st May, It was 750ft long, weighed 32,500 tons and was capable of 26 knots. On this journey the ship carried 1,257 passengers and 650 crew.  The Lusitania has just been attacked by a German u-boat.  After 2 explosions it rolled over and sank.  Nearly 1200 civilians have been drowned – including 128 Americans!  The U.S. public are outraged!

Crisis: Lusitania  You need to establish why the German’s sunk the ship.  You have a choice of documents you can discuss –  A statement from the German Embassy dated 22 nd April  The official German response.  Wilson’s public statement about the incident.  The front page of the New York Times.  The scientific report into the sinking.

Make the German’s publicly promise never to do it again. Find 128 German immigrants living in the US and kill them in retaliation. Crisis: Lusitania Issue a statement playing down the incident and threatening revenge if it happens again.

30 Points 10 Points 20 Points Crisis: Lusitania

Crisis: Wilson’s view.  The president has just left your office after a private conversation.  He stated that he is concerned that the German government was not a democracy.  He argues that the government is very war-like (militaristic).  He wants your advice on what to do.

Inform him that he should stir up public opinion against Germany. Tell him he can do nothing to change public opinion. Crisis: Wilson’s view. Tell him you are not sure and it is his decision to make.

20 Points 10 Points 30 Points Crisis: Wilson’s view

Crisis: The Zimmerman Telegram  It is January  The German Foreign Minister, Alfred Zimmerman has sent a telegram to the German Ambassador in Mexico.  It has been intercepted by British intelligence and you have just received a copy.  It is going to be made public in an hour.  Decide what it says and what you should advise Wilson to do.

Crisis: The Zimmerman Telegram Most Secret For Your Excellency's personal information and to be handed on to the Imperial Minister in Mexico. We intend to begin unrestricted submarine warfare on the first of February. We shall endeavour in spite of this to keep the United States neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of an alliance on the following basis: Make war together, make peace together, generous financial support, and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to re-conquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The settlement detail is left to you. You will inform the President [of Mexico] of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States is certain and add the suggestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the unrestricted employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England to make peace within a few months. Acknowledge receipt.  Zimmerman

Tell the President to encourage acts of violence against Germans in the country. Declare war on Mexico and issue Germany a warning. Crisis: The Zimmerman Telegram Advise the President to keep working on US public opinion.

10 Points 30 Points 20 Points Crisis: The Zimmerman Telegram

 Submarine warfare has begun again!  U-boats have sunk 3 more US merchant ships. More than 20 men have died.  The TSAR of Russia has also just abdicated – this now means that there are no undemocratic countries left on the British/French side. Crisis: More U-boats!

Wait and see if public opinion towards Germany cools down. Advise Wilson that this is the final straw, enough warnings, he should declare war immediately. Tell Wilson that the US public are not bothered by such events.

30 Points 20 Points 10 Points Crisis: More U-boats!

Add up your scores ?

How did you do?  Points  Your advice was really good  For someone who wanted a war at any cost!!!  You would have led the US to war or the President to be fired  Speaking of fired…

How did you do?  90 – 110 Points  You chose well on some decisions but on others you appeared to be out of touch.  Perhaps a life-time appointment as governor of Alaska is more suitable.

How did you do?  50 – 80 Points  WELL DONE!!!!  You showed great understanding of the events.  You will make a great President some day!

What did the US do?  U-Boats  Lusitania  Wilson’s View  Zimmerman Telegram  More U-Boats

As we go through what the US did make a note on your sheet and explain why the US made the decision that she did. Your IL task will be to answer the key question of today’s lesson – why did the US join WW1 in April 1917?

US Decisions  U-Boats - Did nothing – let the German’s attack if they are able.  Lusitania – Made the German’s publicly promise not to do it again.  Wilson’s View – Wilson began to stir up public opinion against Germany.  Zimmerman Telegram – Wilson kept working on US public opinion.  More U-Boats – This was the final straw – Wilson declares war on Germany.