5S for SAFETY program overview
The 5S for Safety Vision All sources of injury are eliminated All employees participate in finding issues, all the time Employee teams perform safety audits TRIR/LWDIR metric is better than world class All employees take pride in knowing that we work hard at being safe
5S – Defined What are the 5S’s? Sort – “When in doubt, throw it out”; Red tagging unneeded items Store – “A place for everything, everything in its place”; Point of use Scrub – “Clean for inspection”; Hospital clean; Better work atmosphere Standardize – “How do I know that should be there”; Color coding Sustain – Audit and follow-through; continual improvement through inspection
5S For Safety What are the 5S’s for Safety? What to look for: Sort – Remove potentially unsafe / broken items from the area Store – Items are safely and ergonomically positioned for use, aisles and workstations are safe from unseen dangers Scrub – No hidden dangers, no hidden instructions Standardize – Visual safety signs, postings are current and meaningful Sustain – Audit and follow-through; continual improvement through inspection, training What to look for: Pinch points Trip hazards Broken machinery Slippery floors Sharp objects Missing instructions Fall hazards Poor ergonomics Missing/broken guards Exposed moving parts Burn hazards Improper containers
5S For Safety Program Key Points Red Tagging for Safety is a continual process, not an “event”. Employees should red tag anytime they see an issue. All employees receive a short 5S for Safety Training session Red tagging is visual, and visual boards show what items are outstanding Periodic standard audits dig deeper with probing questions Audit scores can show trends and levels of improvement Safety audit team is developed
Red Tag Red tag technique: Physically identify (tag) items that are unsafe in the work place Fill out and attach the red tag to the unsafe item Pull off the bottom, give it to your supervisor Supervisor identifies the correct path forward, then places tag on 5S for Safety board until the problem is resolved Supervisor turns in completed tags for tracking
5S and Safety Zone Display Boards 5S & Safety Info: Suspension Foam Zone Common safety issues that should be Red Tagged Current 5S Audit Sheet Red Tags Current 5S For Safety Audit Sheet Outstanding Red Tags
5S for Safety Scan Sheet (audit)
5S Zone Map Example
5S audit team A small audit team of volunteers is trained in 5S and 5S for safety This team is lead by the current safety officer during the auditing process The team audits one zone each month. They red tag and follow the standard red tagging process as they find issues from the audit sheet.