Inventors Film, film, film Do you like reading? Bond, James Bond Paintings Discoveries! They disappeared… Firsts
Who was Harry Potter played by? Daniel Radcliffe 10 Back
Where was The Lord of the Rings filmed? In New Zeland 20 Back
When was The Lord of the Rings released? Back
Who directed Pulp Fiction? Quentin Tarantino 40 Back
What was Alnwick Castle used for? In what film? filming location for Hogwarts. 50 Back
When was the last James Bond film produced? Back
When was the 1 st James Bond film produced? Back
Who was James Bond played by? Sean Connery Timothy Dulton Roger Moore Pierce Brosnan Daniel Craig 30 Back
How many cars were built for the 1 st James Bond film? Two Aston Martin DB5s, one of which had no gadgets. 40 Back
How much money was spent on the last James Bond film? $ Back
Who wrote Eudgine Onegine? A.S. Pushkin 10 Back
Who wrote Hamlet? W. Shakespeare 20 Back
Who wrote Crime and Punishment? Dostoyevsky 30 Back
What book by H. G. Wells was filmed in 2005? the War of Worlds 40 Back
Who wrote Frankenstein? Mary Shelly 50 Back
Who painted the Mona Lisa? Leonardo da Vinci 10 Back
Who painted Volga Boatmen? Ylia Repin 20 Back
Who painted Starry Night? Van Gogh 30 Back
Who painted The Stealing of Europe? V. Serov 40 Back
Who painted Guernica? Pablo Picasso 50 Back
Who invented the telephone? A. Bell 10 Back
Who invented the radio? A.S. Popov 20 Back
Who invented the flying machine? Wright Brothers Orville Wilbur 30 Back
Who invented the light bulb? Thomas Alva Edison 40 Back
Who invented the printing press? Johannes Gutenberg 50 Back
Who discovered the moons of Jupiter? Galileo 10 Back
Who discovered E=mc 2 ? A. Einstein 20 Back
Who discovered the law of gravity? Isaac Newton When *** saw an apple fall, he found In that slight startle from his contemplation – 'Tis said (for I'll not answer above ground For any sage's creed or calculation) – A mode of proving that the earth turn'd round In a most natural whirl, called "gravitation;" And this is the sole mortal who could grapple, Since Adam, with a fall or with an apple. Lord Byron 30 Back
Who wrote the book On Floating Bodies? Archimedes 40 Back
Who discovered radioactivity? Marie Skłodowska-Curie Pierre Curie 50 Back
Who destroyed the city of Troy? the Greeks 10 Back
How was San Fransico destroyed? in 1906, by an earthquake. 20 Back
How, Where, When was the Titanic sunk? By an iceberg, in the Atlantic Ocean, in Back
How was Pompeii destroyed? Volcano Vesuvius 40 Back
Who sank the Russian fleet in 1905? Japanese 50 Back
Who were potatoes first brought to Russia by? Peter I 10 Back
Who made the first round the world tour? Fernan Magellan 20 Back
What was first made by Vincent Hughes? And has the taste of wintergreen, peppermint, vanilla and cinnamon? Bubblegum 30 Back
Who first reached the South Pole? Roald Amundsen and his party on December 14, Back
Who climbed Everest first? Edmund Hillary 50 Back