The word 'Catapult' comes from the two Greek words "kata" (downward) and "pultos" (a small circular battle shield). Katapultos was then taken to mean "shield piercer".
A catapult is any kind of device that shoots or launches a projectile by mechanical means, a great distance without the aid of explosive devices.
The catapult was invented by Dionysius from the Greek town of Syracuse around 400 B.C. When he designed the catapult, Dionysius wanted to create an effective war weapon. The first catapult designed worked like a crossbow. To be able to make the catapult more powerful, it was made larger and stronger and set on a tripod. &feature=player_embedded &feature=player_embedded
Similar to a giant crossbow. Tension powered. Launched darts. Comes from the Greek word “Ballistes”, which means “to throw”.
Sub- category of the Ballista. Meant to fire darts from inside fortress walls.
Torsion powered. Hurled objects from a cup on an arm. 1,300 foot range. Capabilities in between a Bastilla and a Trebuchet. From the Latin word “manganon”, meaning “an engine of war”.
Torsion powered. Hurled objects from a cup on an arm. 1,300 foot range. Capabilities in between a Bastilla and a Trebuchet. From the Latin word “manganon”, meaning “an engine of war”.
Early basis for the Mangonel. Originally used a sling, which was later changed to the bucket used for the Mangonel
Gravity powered sling. Comes from the French word “Trebucher ” meaning “throw over”.
Today, catapults are used for many different purposes. Did you know that they are used to launch planes on aircraft carriers where runway space is limited? Engineers have found many useful and fun modern applications for this ancient technology!