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HCA 322 Entire Course (Ash Course) HCA 322 Week 1 DQ 1 Diversity and Ethical Decision Making HCA 322 Week 1 DQ 2 Autonomy, Fidelity, and Confidentiality HCA 322 Week 2 DQ 1 Euthanasia Laws HCA 322 Week 2 DQ 2 Health Care Ethics Committees Diversity and Ethical Decision Making. View the American College of Healthcare Executives (A.C.H.E.) website. Using the Diversity Resources and Ethics Resources links available in the left-hand navigation panel of the site, explore the relationship between cultural diversity and the process HCA 322 Week 1 DQ 1 Diversity and Ethical
HCA 322 Week 1 DQ 2 Autonomy, Fidelity, and Autonomy, Fidelity, and Confidentiality. Define the principles of autonomy, fidelity, and confidentiality. How do these terms support ethical and moral medical practices? Do these concepts create any barriers Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Debate. Review the Euthanasia website. On the top right of the home screen, click on the orange buttons and read the “Core Question” and the “Top Ten Pros and Cons.” Write a four to five page paper (excluding title and reference pages) that HCA 322 Week 2 Assignment Euthanasia
HCA 322 Week 2 DQ 1 Euthanasia Laws (Ash Euthanasia Laws. In most states, physician- assisted suicide (euthanasia) is a felony crime, punishable by imprisonment. Locate and watch the “A Good Death: Case Studies in End-of-Life Care” video in the Ashford University Health Care Ethics Committees. Describe, in your opinion, the three best and the three worst attributes of Health Care Ethics Committees. Include a thorough explanation of your reasoning. Do you agree that the expanding HCA 322 Week 2 DQ 2 Health Care Ethics
HCA 322 Week 3 Assignment Types of Types of Law. Write a four to five page paper (excluding title and reference pages) that explains which types of law detailed in Chapter 6 of your course text most directly impact health care professionals. Include an analysis of Health Care Quality Improvement Act of Describe the background to and the main purpose of the Health Care Quality Improvement Act of Review the case study “Failure to Meet Ethical Standards” from HCA 322 Week 3 DQ 1 Health Care Quality
HCA 322 Week 3 DQ 2 Respondeat Superior Respondeat Superior. Provide an overview of the respondeat superior legal doctrine and explain its significance in the health care industry. Additionally, explain at least two defenses to this legal doctrine. Your Issues for Health Care Professionals. For this assignment, you are to summarize the unique ethical and legal issues that a health care professional may face in his or her career. You may choose any of the professional HCA 322 Week 4 Assignment Issues for
HCA 322 Week 4 DQ 1 Ethical Principles (Ash Ethical Principles. Codes of conduct are standards that outline how individuals or groups of people are to act. The health care/medical community has their own code of conduct, which is outlined in Consent. Summarize informed consent and implied consent with regard to patients. Analyze the differences between the two. What are the best ways to prove consent? Your initial post must be a minimum of words. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. HCA 322 Week 5 DQ 1 Consent (Ash Course)
HCA 322 Week 5 DQ 2 Patient's Rights (Ash Patient’s Rights. Chapter 14 of your text provides an overview of a number of different patient’s rights. Which do you think are the three most important? Why? How do patient rights affect how health care workers Focus of the Final Paper Much of your coursework regarding moral questions and moral theory may seem abstract. This broad overview is necessary HCA 322 Week 5 Final Paper Do Not
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