The propagation of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays in the Galactic magnetic fields A. Elyiv B. Hnatyk Astronomical Observatory of Kyiv National University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Content of presentation: Introduction. The problem of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays. The magnetic field model of Milky Way. The maps of deviation of cosmic rays in the magnetic field. Distribution of cosmic rays after magnetic field of Galaxy. Connection between the energy of cosmic rays and module of galactic latitude. Conclusions.
AGASA Energy Spectrum
Arrival Directions of Cosmic Rays
Magnetic field of the Milky Way R=8.5 кpс - distance between the Sun and center of the Milky Way B 0 =1.4 μG - strength of magnetic field near the Sun p=-8 o - pitch angle d=-0.5 кpс - distance from the Sun to the first field reversal, negative d means that nearest reversal occurs in the direction to the Galactic center. h=1.5 кpс - a height of the disc paired field unpaired field - law of motion The Sun The center of Galaxy P.G. Tinyakov, I.I Tkachev. Tracing protons through the galactic magnetic field: a clue for charge composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. Astro-ph/
Magnetic field of the Milky Way μGμG
10 20 Ev Ev Ev5·10 17 Ev Ev Motion of Cosmic Rays in the Milky Way
The deviation map of cosmic rays with energy eV in the unpaired magnetic field Deviation in degree
The deviation map of cosmic rays with energy 4·10 19 eV in the unpaired magnetic field Deviation in degree
The deviation map of cosmic rays with energy eV in the unpaired magnetic field Deviation in degree
The deviation map of cosmic rays with energy eV in the paired magnetic field Deviation in degree
The deviation map of cosmic rays with energy 4·10 19 eV in the paired magnetic field Deviation in degree
The deviation map of cosmic rays with energy eV in the paired magnetic field Deviation in degree
Initial direction of cosmic rays which have started from the Earth
Distribution of cosmic rays with energy eV after passing the unpaired magnetic field
Distribution of cosmic rays with energy 4·10 19 eV after passing the unpaired magnetic field
Distribution of cosmic rays with energy eV after passing the unpaired magnetic field
Distribution of cosmic rays with energy eV after passing the paired magnetic field
Distribution of cosmic rays with energy 4·10 19 eV after passing the paired magnetic field
Distribution of cosmic rays with energy eV after passing the paired magnetic field
Connection between the energy of cosmic rays and module of galactic latitude Energy,eV Module of galactic latitude
Conclusions 1)Magnetic field of our Galaxy is (4μG) and alike the extragalactic magnetic field (10 -8 G) has considerable influence on propagation of cosmic rays. 2)For cosmic rays with energies 4·10 19 eV average declination equals 5º, for eV only 2º 3)We discover equatorial zone where cosmic rays are absence. This is the zone of avoidance for CR. So, for energy еV this zone is equal to 40º. Therefore, the rays in the figure are moved out to side of North galactic pole for paired magnetic field.