Earth Science
What is Earth Science? A grouping of several types of sciences that are concerned with the origin, structure, and physical phenomena of the earth.
Geography Describes the Earth’s surface and interactions between mankind and the environment Sub-groups: –Cartography –Topography –Surveying
Cartography The science or technique of making maps or charts of the Earth’s surface.
Oceanography The study of oceans and marine seas. Sub-groups: –Hydrology –Marine Biology –Chemistry
Geology The study of all physical processes affecting the Earth. Sub-groups: –Seismology –Vulcanology –Mineralogy
Archaeology The study of ancient life forms. Sub-groups: –Paleontology –Human Behavior (Sociology) –Architecture –Ecology
Astronomy The study of Earth’s place in space, planets, stars and other heavenly bodies. Sub-groups –Meteorology –Chemistry –Physics
Meteorology The study of the atmosphere, particularly for forecasting weather. Sub-groups: –Natural Disasters –Hydrology –Physics
Natural Disasters The cause and consequence of environmental catastrophes. Sub-groups: –Meteorology –Statistics
1. Geography 2. Cartography 3. Oceanography 4. Geology 5. Archaeology 6. Astronomy 7. Meteorology 8. Natural Disasters A. Study of oceans and marine seas B. Study of the atmosphere, particularly for forecasting weather C. Studying the cause and consequences of environmental catastrophes D. Study of Earth’s place in space, stars and other heavenly bodies E. Study of ancient life forms F. Science/technique of mapping the Earth’s surface G. Study of physical processes affecting the Earth H. Describes Earth’s surface and interaction between mankind and the environment