Helping Your Pet Adjust to a New Outdoor Cat Enclosure
Outdoor enclosures allow your cats to roam outdoors, minus the dangers that lurk at every corner. However, adjusting to a new outdoor abode can be a stressful and frightening experience for a cat. There’s a long list of possible hazards that may endanger your feline companion. Oncoming traffic, lethal poisons, contagious diseases, or run-ins with other stray animals are just a few of the major threats that outdoor cats can encounter. Cats living outdoors also represent a major threat to wildlife in urban, suburban, and some rural areas. In fact, many cat guardians are not aware of the lasting impact and dangers their pets pose to other animals. The best gift we can give our cats, aside from unconditional cat care, is the promise of a prosperous, healthy, and joyful life in the security of our properties. One effective way to prolong and enrich the lives of indoor cats is to provide them safe experiences outside, either by walking them around the neighborhood with a specially-designed harness and leash or by providing them a secure outdoor cat enclosure off the house or in the care
There are many ready-to-assemble cat enclosures available commercially which range from the simple to the sophisticated. They can be adorned with old tree stumps and perches for climbing and scratching opportunities. You can also make use of tarps to provide shade and protection from the elements, or even enclosed ladders for safe and convenient passage to and from the house. It’s really easy to find the right cat enclosures. Melbourne, for instance, has specialty stores that sell pre-made pens, runs, and do-it-yourself kits, such as the Caboodle which is specially designed for the discerning cat and cat owner. Adjusting to a new home can be a really stressful and frightening experience for your cat. That’s why you’ll need a lot of patience and understanding during his initial adjustment period, helping your cat feel comfortable at his new home. During the transition, consider your companion’s needs. Your cat may have liked lounging around your sofa or enjoyed lots of treats whenever he wanted to. Allow your cat several weeks to adapt to his outdoor cat enclosure. Your cat may have had to cope with the transition of a shelter and the pain of surgery. He may have been separated from a familiar home or forced to break a bond with other animals. Now, he should adjust again to a totally new environment.
It’s fairly common for cats to display behavior problems during the first few days in a new home. Fortunately, these tend to disappear over time. So, just sit back and relax and be sure food, water and a litter box are nearby. He needs to get accustomed to his surroundings. Keep in mind that a scared cat can easily climb out of any high opening. It is highly recommended to keep your cat indoors most of his life, however, if you choose to, eventually let your cat outside. For more info about cat care, please visit Catmax website at