Early American Civilizations Notes Mayas Aztecs Incas
Mayas Borrowed many of their ideas and objects from the Olmecs Lived on the edges of the Middle American rain forests—right by Cancun today! Built 100 cities—capital was Tikal Here are some pics of their awesome temples…
Mayan Temples
Cancun Pictures
Mayans are known for their calendar.. Dz0Ahttp:// Dz0A
Aztecs!! Started off as war-like nomads in central Mexico Built city near Lake Texcoco (now near Mexico city) Limited farmland so they built mud-covered platforms called chinampas Conquered by the Spanish in 1519
Pics about Aztecs
Incas!! Believed they were descendants from their sun god Civilization in South America in Andes Mtns. Capital city was Cuzco Survived in Andes Mtns. By terraced hillsides to farm Held empire together by a system of wide stone roads Conquered by Spanish in 1522
Incas pics!!