Dessert Painting WAYNE THIEBAUD
Born in 1920 in Arizona Currently Still painting and Teaching at 96 years old. EARLY LIFE
During High School worked for Walt Disney Studios as a cartoonist making $14 a week Cartoons included Goofy, Pinocchio, and jiminy Cricket EARLY LIFE CONTINUED
Famous for cakes, pastries, Ice cream paintings. Used heavy pigment & exaggerated color, well-defined shadows DESSERT PAINTINGS
Pop Art- based on modern popular culture and the mass media, especially as a critical or ironic comment on traditional fine art values Realism- artists take their subjects from the world around them and try to represent them in a lifelike manner. STYLE OF ART
Shadows were created with cool colors; green, blue, and violets
The main subject matter was created with warm colors; red, orange, and yellow
Create an interesting composition of an Ice Cream Sundae using your Cell Phone. When creating the ice cream sundae consider the choice of ice cream ( vanilla, strawberry or chocolate), the different types of toppings ( fruit, candy, nuts), and syrups (Hershey's, strawberry, caramel). Use warm colors for the main subject matter and cool colors for the shadows of your composition Consider a soft light background color similar to Wayne Thiebaud. Also create a table for the ice cream bowl to sit on. PROJECT REQUIREMENTS
Work Ethic____/40 Composition____/30 Originality/Creativity____/30 Warm/cool colors____/30 Advance use of Materials____/30 Details____/30 3 Sketch ideas____/30 Clean Up____/30 Total:___/250 DESSERT PAINTING RUBRIC