‘It’s not always about funding and resources; it’s about working better together. As we’ve got areas of common interest if we can just coordinate our services better and share information better, then we can improve things for people locally.’ ‘The success of our partnership is because we have very much concentrated on the things that we can do together and where we can add value together. If you concentrate on the things that you agree on, those things that you don’t agree on become solvable because you create a feeling of trust.
Range of partnerships
What do Strategic Partnerships do? Bring together public, private and voluntary sectors to support each other and work together Single overarching framework within which other partnerships can operate Develop and drive the Sustainable Community Strategy and the Local Area Agreement
In Nottingham Long term strategic direction for city Prepares implements and manages the Nottingham Plan Promotes needs and aspirations of local communities Collaboration and mutual support Co-ordinate city wide policies, plans across organisational boundaries
In Nottingham………… Encourage joint working to deliver high quality services and better outcomes for citizens Promote engagement of communities and citizens in decisions that affect the future of the City Work to connect the success with the people!
One Nottingham Unincorporated body with no legal powers Voluntary collaboration of partners but partners now jointly assessed through Board The One Nottingham Executive Theme Partnerships
Our 2020 strategic priorities are: World Class Nottingham - Develop Nottingham’s international standing for science and innovation, sports and culture Neighbourhood Nottingham - Transform Nottingham’s neighbourhoods Family Nottingham - Ensure that all children and young people thrive and achieve Working Nottingham - Tackle poverty and deprivation by getting more local people into good jobs Safer Nottingham - Reduce crime, the fear of crime, substance misuse and anti-social behaviour Healthy Nottingham - Improve health and wellbeing
One Nottingham Board The Nottingham Plan to 2020 One Nottingham Chief Officers Group Health and Wellbeing Board Improve health and wellbeing, reduce health inequalities between neighbourhoods and social groups Nottingham Children’s Partnership Ensure all young people thrive and achieve. Stronger families, higher aspirations and better schools Working Nottingham (Currently under review) Tackling poverty and deprivation by getting more local people into jobs Crime and Drugs Partnership Reduce crime, fear of crime, substance misuse and anti-social behaviour Nottingham Green Partnership Reduce carbon emissions, increase renewable energy and increase recycling Fair Nottingham A fairer city where everyone has the same opportunities, no matter who they are or where they live. Equality and Fairness Commission Make Nottingham a fairer city for the equality strands: age, disability, race, gender, religion or belief and sexual orientation, geographic and socio-economic disadvantage Cross Cutting Themes World Class Nottingham Develop Nottingham’s international standing for science and innovation, sports and culture. Aspiring Nottingham A city of aspiration, where children and adults alike have high expectations of themselves and for their future. Green Nottingham Nottingham will move towards a more sustainable economy and way of life. Housing Strategic Partnership To deliver homes across tenures and meet the housing aspirations and needs of citizens
One Nottingham Growth Board Health and Wellbeing Board (Statutory Partnership) Crime and Drugs Partnership Children and Young People Partnership Equality and Fairness Commission Locality Board (Neighbourhood) Nottingham City Council Local Enterprise Partnership (Regional) Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Skills Board/Working Nottingham Housing Strategic Partnership Green Partnership Good Growth The Nottingham Plan to 2020
Growth Outcomes More Jobs & more local people in to jobs Higher skilled local people More businesses Stronger Nottingham economy Strengthened local retail supply chain. Stronger Communities Sustainable businesses Enhanced Nottingham reputation Increased inward investment. Draft Nottingham City Council Oct 2013