November 16, 2015 Presented by: Guinevere E. Maximo, Supervisor of Special Education and Pupil Services Sharon Kroll, Master Teacher of the Gifted Support Program
Provide the historical information on the GOAL Program Review Understand the development process of the screening tools Review the qualification data to determine next steps in revising the screening tools Review the action plan
Adapted the North Allegheny School Curriculum Review Manual to structure the program evaluation process Began November 2009 and concluded May 2011 Examined the existing program Studied empirical research Attended presentations and lectures by experts in the field Conducted surveys Reviewed other high performing school districts across the Commonwealth and the United States
Chapter 16 requires that “Each school district shall adopt and use a system to locate and identify all students within that district who are thought to be gifted and in need of specially designed instruction” (22 Pa. code §16.21 (a)). Chapter 16 requires that “Each school district determine the student’s needs through a screening and evaluation process which meets the requirements of this Chapter” (22 Pa. Code §16.21 (c )).
Chapter 16 requires that “Screening procedures should generate data from a variety of sources and compare data to predetermine multiple criteria for gifted potential/performance” (22 Pa. code §16.21 (e) (1 - 5)).
Identification Process ◦ Refine current matrix to improve the accuracy of screening requirements for testing of students who are “thought to be gifted.” ◦ Research and review Response to Instructional Intervention (RTII)/Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) model to develop common curriculum-based assessments as part of the screening process at the elementary level.
Committee Members: ◦ Two Elementary School Counselors ◦ Three School Psychologists ◦ Two Secondary School Counselors ◦ Highly Talented Elementary Mathematics Teacher ◦ Communication Arts Plus Elementary Teacher ◦ Supervisor of Special Education Committee Topics ◦ Chapter 16 Regulations and Guidelines ◦ Gifted Report Stats ◦ Overview of identification and evaluation process at North Allegheny School District
Medical History/Health RecordsReadiness/Developmental Tests *Achievement TestsAbility Tests *Group IQ TestsAnecdotal Information Portfolio/Subject AssessmentsSyllabus-based Examination CBA’sCollege Aptitude Test PSAT/SATExtra-Curricular Academic Performance *Rating ScalesInterest Inventories Cumulative RecordsEnrollment Records Parent Inventories*Report Cards * current NA screening areas
School DistrictIdentified Gifted Students/PopulationTotal Gifted Population Total District Population Gifted % of District Elem.Mid.H.S. Fairfax County Public Schools 11,390 78,721 5,610 20,194 N/A 50,514 17,000149, % Fox Chapel170 1, , , , % Garnet Valley School District 160 1, , , , % Naperville Community Unit District 203 Top 2% N/A18,072 ≈ 2% Cumberland Valley School District 84 2, , , , % Upper Dublin121 4, , , , % Central Bucks700 13,000 N/A 5,110 1,232 Grs Participates 4,913 1,93223, % 5.6% Lewisburg Area School District , % North Allegheny School District 357 3, , , , % 2011 Gifted Student Population/District Population Statistical Analysis
Screening for the Identification of Gifted Students: Requirements, Considerations and Tools presented by Timothy J. Runge, Ph.D., NCSP, Assistant Professor and Director, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Center for Gifted Education
16 To objectively assess IQ and multiple criteria, LEAs are increasingly developing eligibility matrices
The District utilized screening and identification as one process rather than two separate processes. Students needed to score a specific IQ score based on the point value. The process for identification did not address the two prong criteria to be declared eligible for gifted education services: ◦ Meeting the definition as mentally gifted or multiple criteria AND ◦ In need of specially designed instruction
Identify students who require further assessment Incorporate District assessment data as screening criteria Generate positive outcomes (accurately identifies students without consuming resources that could be put to better use) ◦ To increase the qualification rate to above 70% (previous average qualification rate – 52%)
MeasurementGrade Level Administration Cognitive Abilities Test (CogATs) Grades 1, 2 4 and 7 Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test – 2 nd Edition (K-BIT2) Grades 3, 5,6,8, 9,10, 11 and 12 Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) Grades 2 through 7 Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8
MeasurementGrade Level Administration Keystone Algebra I ExamAs available Keystone Literature ExamAs available Keystone Biology ExamAs available Communication Arts Plus (English Language Arts Plus) Grades 1 through 5 Advanced Academic Mathematics Program Grades 2 through 5 Mathematics Grade Acceleration (M4) Grades 4 and 5 GradesGrades 6 through 12
North Allegheny Multi-Criterion Screening and Identification Processes
Grade Total # Tested Total # Tested Total # Tested Total # Tested Kdg TOTAL
Grad e % Qualified % Qualified % Qualified % Qualified Kdg72%50%75% 67% 170%67%68% 71% 239%44%37% 44% 353%41% 46% 443%44%43% 44% 529%35%13% 40% 656%25%40% 50% 756%36%45% 71% 850%17%75% 44% 9100%---50% 100% 10100%---0% 110% %---
Building Total Parent Referrals %Qualified Parent Referrals Total Screening Referrals % Qualified Screening Referrals BWE1241.7%1275% FES1650%933% HES1538.5%20% IES1553.3%650% MCK1136.4%1181.8% MES1631.3%666.6% PES560%580% CMS250%0--- IMS633.3%0--- MMS1560%1100% NAI520%0--- NASH0---0 TOTAL11852
Convene the Screening/Identification Subcommittee ◦ Review the data for GOAL Report ◦ Analyze ITBS data to determine percent of national percentile performance by grade level ◦ Conduct a random sample of the current student population of gifted students using the Multi-criteria screening tool ◦ Develop a kindergarten screening tool ◦ Revise the performance data for first and second grade screening tools ◦ Consider reducing the existing criteria for third through twelfth grade screening tools
◦ Reconsider the screening criteria relative to the changes of the cut scores and new format of the PSSA and ITBS tests for the school year ◦ Consider redesigning data collection and reporting methods in the GOAL Report ◦ Convene a District-wide assessment committee to research universal screening tools for use in building-level MTSS implementation (Grades K-8) ◦ Select new instruments based upon legacy instruments exceeding applicability
TaskTarget Starting Date Target Completion Date CompletedPerson, Department, Office Responsible Notes & Comments 1.Convene the Screening/Identific ation Committee 11/17/ /25/2016 Supervisor of Special Education and Pupil Services Membership of the team will include: 4 school psychologists, 3 school counselors representing each level (elementary, middle and high school level), highly talented math teacher, English Language Arts Plus teacher and a building administrator. 2.Set calendar meeting dates 11/17/20153/31/2016Meeting dates: December 2, 2015 December 9, 2015 January 20, 2016 February 9, 2015 February 24, 2015 March 21, 2015
TaskTarget Starting Date Target Completion Date CompletedPerson, Department, Office Responsible Notes & Comments 3.Convene a District- wide assessment committee to review potential universal screening. 11/5/20152/28/2016 Supervisor of Special Education and Pupil Services and Supervisor of Elementary Education District-wide assessment committee members include: Administrator(s) Chris and Dan Speech/Language Pathologist James Prosenjak ESAP teacher Angela Lesinski Reading Specialist Kelly Klinefelter and Crystal Kiray Classroom Teacher Carley Tudi, Erin Sullivan (IES teachers will be identified) Learning Support Teacher Bethany Tretel School Psychologists John DeMann and Sarah Switalksi Two to three vendors will be identified and reviewed. 4.Analyze ITBS data to determine percent of national percentile performance by grade level 12/14/20151/29/2016Supervisor of Special Education and Pupil Services and School Psychologists
TaskTarget Starting Date Target Completion Date CompletedPerson, Department, Office Responsible Notes & Comments 5.Conduct a random sample of the current student population of gifted students using the Multi- criteria screening tool 12/21/2015 1/29/2016 Supervisor of Special Education and Master Teacher for the Gifted Support Program 6.Share revised screening tool to Pupil Services Support Team Meeting 3/1/2016 Supervisor of Special Education and Pupil Services
TaskTarget Starting Date Target Completion Date CompletedPerson, Department, Office Responsible Notes & Comments 7.Share revised screening tool with NAPAGE 4/18/2016 Supervisor of Special Education and Pupil Services and representatives of the Screening and Identification committee
Guinevere E. Maximo, Supervisor of Special Education and Pupil Services Sharon Kroll, Master Teacher for the Gifted Support Program