Research methods LESSON 4
Assessing internal validity Construct validity E.g. How well the measure of a behaviour being used is a useful indicator of what is supposed to be studied. I.e. If we are testing STM and want to see the effects of delaying or interrupting maintenance rehearsal but participants are not fully engaged with the intervening task, the fact that may be rehearsing it could have an impact on results. Predictive validity The extent to which performance in the test/task can predict future performance on a similar criterion like. I.e. An intelligence test predicting academic success
External validity Refers to how well research findings can be generalised beyond the study to other situations/populations. Two types of external validity: Ecological validity: Population validity:
Task Rate the reliability and validity of your classical and contemporary study from the cognitive side of the course Using the new terminology from today provide justifications for the advantages and disadvantages regarding reliability and validity for each study
Data Collection Recap:
Data Collection Quantitativ e Data X Qualitative Data
Data Collection - Quiz
Complete the 5 questions on the sheet