User Guide to Self-Registration on PPL’s Web Portal
To provide services to a participant in the Participant Directed Program, a provider must be credentialed and approved for services To begin the credentialing application process, providers must self-register using the PPL Web Portal online system
Provider creates online profile and submits application to PPL Provider Submits all required credentialing paperwork to PPL; PPL forwards appropriate credentialing materials to DDS and PPL submits CORI if applicable DDS verifies all provider credentialing paperwork and approves provider; PPL verifies CORI background check completed (if applicable) Provider receives an from PPL’s Web Portal stating it is okay to begin providing services to the participant
Provider Online Application Process
Go to the Participant Directed Program Web Portal through the link below: /login.aspx?MAPDP /login.aspx?MAPDP
To begin your registration process as a provider for the MA Participant Direct Program, you must complete all the applicable fields listed below. An important first step is identifying your provider type. You will fall into one of three categories: ◦ Individual Provider – Independent Contractor ◦ Individual Provider – Employee ◦ Agency (Not an individual)
First, you must pick your ‘Provider Type’.
You can sign up to provide as many services as are applicable. Note! Some services fall under the ‘Professional Support’ category and others fall under the ‘Direct Support Category’. There are different credentialing requirements for these two different categories. Please choose your services carefully and make sure you have all the necessary documents required to provide the services you sign up for.
Send: ◦ PPL Participant Directed Program Application Form ◦ Any required documents listed for the service(s) (See the application page for details) Send to: Public Partnerships LLC MA Participant Directed Program 6 Admirals Way Chelsea, MA 02150
As soon as your credentials have been approved, you will receive a notification via . If you have any questions, please call PPL Customer Service at Thank you for your application!