Essentials Understanding connections between foundations and all practice topics (impact for supporting academic and social behavioral progress) Foundations: CDT, Assessment: academic (CFA Parts 1-3) & behavior, DBDM Credentialing Quality training and coaching delivery Feedback for educator-learning Effective training and coaching adult learners Assessment of background knowledge and increase of knowledge & skills Relationships between PD provider and adult learner Using technology to engage adult learners (checking for understanding, working with mixed media, troubleshooting and backup plans Learning Package-Instructional Relationships Teacher-student relationships Engaging student learners Writing Quality Assessments Assessment Capable Learner* Classroom Discussion Direct Instruction Feedback* Leadership Metacognition* Reciprocal Teaching School-Based Implementation Coaching Social-behavioral practices (insert list) Student Practice: Spaced vs. Massed Technology (Using technology in the classroom/using technology with teaching/learning practices) Targeted/small group & intensive: academic Targeted/small group & intensive: behavior Endorsements A C B Core content (A, B, & C) Credentialed PD providers may seek endorsements in the following topics. *Recommended as initial endorsements August 2015, Management Team
Credentialing Process Video examples Audience engagement Setting the stage for learning Debriefing Drawing closure to learning Video Interview Respond to targeted questions demonstrating knowledge in credentialed areas Artifacts HQPD observation: training and coaching checklists (SIS) Content fidelity (SIS) Participant evaluations—credentialing process developed Pre/post assessments Application Packet August 2015, Management Team Re-Credentialing Process? Director observation? Shared Learning presentation?
Pilot Process 1.Nominate 2 people from each center to participate in pilot. These people should represent varied programs. 1 CW and 1 non-CW 2.Blended package format – online and in-person 3.2 ½-3 days—all pilot participants learn together about the process and components 4.After training, pilot participants work on their application materials. August 2015, Management Team