Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration Brussels Training and Outreach Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration 24 October 2015 Alessandra Scicchitano NA2 WP Leader, GEANT
First document describing the approach to the training - MNA2.1 Guideline document for AARC training materials Report on the identified target groups for training and their requirements First online module Federation101 on federated access 2 Training and Outreach Repackage and add what is missing
Identified Target groups [DNA2.1]: Decision makers, Identity Provider (IdP) operators, Service Provider (SP) operators and Service developers, End Users; Feedback from I2-TE Small and new institutions that want to use IP-based authentication and that cannot rely on many public IPs (as this is becoming more difficult). They or the publishers might be a target group. Group of libraries (HINARI program) in Geneva, Decision makers at VOs to be addressed via FIM4R 3 Anything missing?
What are your 2 top priorities should you be given a certain budget? What kind of training would be really effective? Would providing consultancy and/or support help to increase the uptake of federated access? If yes, what kind of of support? And what would be the most effective way to provide it? Should we be looking at a support for dataset in two year time ? If so which aspects? 4 Questions for the future
Thank you Any Questions? © GÉANT on behalf of the AARC project. The work leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No (AARC).