The public living in Malta is distinguished by high culture, which is manifested in the cultivation of any tradition. The nation of Malta is characterized by qualities such as kindness, serenity and indulgence. Malta is a country with a big heart and a deep respect for the values of the Catholic religion. On the territory of the country we will find more than 360 Catholic churches. For centuries, the Maltese culture is associated with the Red Cross and charity. In Malta, virtually has two official languages , because in addition to Malta, commonly used in the English language.
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In schools in Malta, for example, students examinee written exam place in the upper left corner of the paper letters JMJ (Jesus, Mary, Joseph ), which is to guarantee them a successful degree. Students Maltese also pray before the exam to his patron - St. Juda (from hopeless cases ). In the village s there is a habit of repelling evil. They are used to this bull's horns, churches and towers usually have two clocks - one real, the other painted in order to confuse the devil. Used today by Satanists sign of the horns, which is raised up pointing fingers and small, it is derived from the Maltese tradition. It referred to herein as " grun " and deterrence is wrong. Protects also traditional Maltese boats that are painted in bright colors, and on both sides of the bow are carved or painted eye of Osiris, which is closely watching what is happening around. While the horses are usually red tassels attached to the harness.
The most important calendar events are Maltese Festa. Formerly were only a religious event, now are playing together. Every year is celebrated around the 30th front of the church gather the crowds of festively dressed people. Temple at this time is lighted lamps, altars bend of flowers. It passes through the streets of the procession with a statue of a local saint. Orchestra accompanies them, and it is worth mentioning that every Maltese town and even parish has its own orchestra. Everything ends with a midnight fireworks display.
The dominant religion is Catholicism in Malta. The Constitution of Malta established Catholicism as the state religion, and this is reflected in the different parts of the Maltese culture. Patrons of Malta are St. Paul St. Publius and St. Agata. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (15 August ), known in Malta as Santa Marija, is a special celebration of patronalnym Malta. Three articles of the Maltese Criminal Code refer to "crimes against religious feelings ". Article 163 states that public denigration or insult Catholicism or insulting his followers, clergy or religious objects through words, gestures, written words ( printed or not), photos or other visual effects, punishable by one to six months in prison.
Persons insured in the National Health Fund can benefit from health care available under the insurance in Malta. Before leaving, you should submit an application to the National Health Fund for an EHIC. It entitles to the enjoyment of basic medical services offered by the public health service, it is advisable to take out private health insurance. Additional insurance to provide coverage for the costs of medical transportation to the Polish and cover the cost of fees for medical services, which are in force in Malta. You can enjoy the benefits of state healthcare facilities.