Start of S2 Milestone Work H. Padamsee
Intro At KEK S2 meeting we decided to make a list of milestones and eventually cost S2 activities I tried to start a milestone list consistent with S0 and S1 plan and look for consistency with current test facility plans Please suggest revisions, additions…
By end of 06 Cavities –Complete 10 cavities 4 ACCEL, 4 AES, 2 Jlab –Continue testing 4 ICHIRO and 4 TESLA-shape cavities at KEK Order additional cavities –14 US –10 KEK Cryomodules –Cryomodule #6 complete at DESY and tested at Cryomodule Test Facility (DESY) First candidate for S1 –Cryomodule #6 installed in TTF-II (FLASH) –Procure cryomodule parts for Gen III module –Procure 12 couplers RF –Procure Two 10 MW klystrons
By end of 07 Cavities –70 cavities ordered and delivered over the course of cavities delivered in US 10 cavities delivered at KEK 30 cavities delivered to DESY for XFEL (XX available for ILC?) –Order 160 cavities globally after Fall 07 (see S0.2) –Carry out 90 treatment and testing runs complete 24 good cavities available from S0 production like effort of 06 and 07 Cryomodules –One type III cryomodule completed at Fermilab from DESY supplied cavities –Complete One (4 cavity + 4 cavity) cryomodule at KEK STF –Finish design work on Type IV cryomodule by mid-07 Is this region-compatible? –Order parts for 2 Type IV cryomodules (one in mid-07 and one in fall 07) –Process couplers
By End of 07 Beam Preparations –Work on injectors at STF and FNAL Infrastructure for RF Units –Fermilab, Argonne, Jlab… Install EP, VTS, HTS, CAF Refrigeration XX watts for HTS –KEK Install EP, CAF… Refrigeration, xx watts –DESY –Other ?
By End of 08: Cavities –160 cavities delivered globally (see S0.2) –Complete 200 process and test cycles globally (S0.2) Yield = 130 good cavities –Continue to order XX cavities for industrialization? Cryomodules –Complete 3 cryomodules from 24 good cavities of 07 One Type III cryomodule Two Type IV cryomodules –Order parts for 12 cryomodules of Type IV or ILC-type 4 CM per region (3 plus spare) RF Beam Infrastructure for RF Units –CM test stand
By End of 09 Cavities –Continue to process and test XX cavities for industrial cryomodules? Cryomodules –Populate 12 modules of Type IV or ILC type 4 per region Need 96 good cavities globally –Continue to order XX cryomodules for industrialization? RF Unit –1 “learning” RF unit assembled in US Other –Injector available for beam tests
By End of 2010 RF Units –Continue testing first RF unit –Assemble and Test 3- 4 RF units globally One per region Cavities and Cryomodules –Continue industrialization activity