Beyond Basic Faceted Search Presented by Chien-Ling Huang Jun. 30, 2011 Ori Ben-Yitzhak, Nadav Golbandi, Nadav Har’El, Ronny Lempel,Andreas Neumann, Shila Ofek-Koifman, Dafna Sheinwald, Eugene Shekita, Benjamin Sznajder, Sivan Yogev
Overview Introduction Related Work Implementation on Basic Facet Search Extended multifaceted Search To Business Intelligence Correlated Facets Pros & Cons Conclusion
INTRODUCTION What’s Faceted Search? Typical user interaction with Faceted Search 1. Type or refine a search query 2. Navigate through multiple search query
INTRODUCTION Shortcoming 1. Should have richer insight into data 2. Too many independent facet hierarchies.
Related Work Multifaceted Search 1. Faceted Hierarchies 2. Mapping the documents OLAP- On Line Analytical Processing CUBE
Implementation of Basic Faceted Search Lucene Document Ingestion 1. Taxonomy before indexing 2. Taxonomy while indexing
Implementation of Basic Faceted Search
Faceted query and Faceted result set FQ=(qc, TF) TF={tf1, tf2,….tfk} tfi=(Pi,ni) n>=1
Extending Multifaceted Search to bussiness intelligence
Dynamic Facets
Correlated Facets
Shortcoming 1. Large index size 2. Difficulty on aggregating counts
Correlated Facets
Pros and cons Dynamic corpora Less complexity Allow multiple sub categories
Conclusion Extended the Basic Faceted Search. 1. Flexible, Dynamic, Business intelligence aggregation 2. Efficiently support correlated facets.
Reference Peter Anick and Suresh Tipirneni. Method and apparatus for automatic construction of faceted terminological feedback for document retrieval, US Patent Ramon Barquin and Herb Edelstein (editors). Building, Using and Managing the Data Warehouse. Prentice-Hall, Inc, E.F. Codd, S.B. Codd, and C.T. Salley. Providingolap (on-line analytical processing) to user-analysts:An IT mandate. Technical Repor