Ms. Samadi
ENTERING THE ROOM 1. Wait for permission to enter. 2. Sit in assigned seat. 3. Copy down your homework into your agenda. 4. Begin Do-now silently.
Do-Now Find a seat quickly and quietly. Today you may sit where you want but you will be moved if you are disruptive. Begin filling out the student information seat. There’s a FRONT SIDE and BACK SIDE. Please make sure your and your parents’ s are correct! It will help us to have better communication; you may me anytime to ask me a question. I will respond quickly.
Homeroom Announcements Turn in Emergency/Health PINK Forms ASAP Please return the forms to me by Friday, September 13 th. We need to count the number of languages and books needed for BPS handbook Agenda books will come on Monday; for now use the handout calendar
Let’s Practice Using Your Calendar Now! Thursday 9/4: SS Homework Tonight: Get parent letter signed, purchase all materials by tomorrow, and bring in pictures for designing cover
Assign Jobs Attendance Objective Reader Materials Collector Board Cleaner Table of Contents /Binder organizer
Objective: Students will be able to: 1.Make predictions about the purpose of different parts of our learning environment 2.Learn the rules and procedures of Rm. 213
Scavenger Hunt What is a scavenger hunt? *Take one minute to Turn and Talk to your partner. *Be ready to share your answer!
Procedures for Our Classroom Scavenger Hunt 1 st – Put your name on the packet 2 nd - Look around the room and to find the answer together, with your partner. a) You may talk in a quiet, partner work voice. b) You must write answers completely. c) You must stay in your seat at all times, but you may lean over to look at something closer. 3 rd - When your group is finished, raise your hand so I can check your work.
Time’s Up! When I start the countdown, it means you have a minutes left to finish speaking to your partner. When I give you 5 seconds left, I expect you to: -finish up your conversation and work -stop talking/working -look at me and give me your full attention
Partner Shares We are going to correct each other’s work.
Share!! What are 5 major Rules? What are possible consequences? What are the procedures for entering the room?
Homework 1)Get Parent Letter Signed 2)Purchase materials for class.
Materials Checklist!! 1. HW 2. Agenda 3. Composition Notebook Pen/pencils IR book
Exit Slip 1.What materials do I need to buy for SS? 2.What is one question, hope, or concern you have?
Practice Lining Up EXITING THE ROOM 1. Wait for the teacher to tell you class is over. 2. Take all belongings including trash. Return any borrowed materials to the teacher. 3. Wait for permission to line up. 4. Wait for permission to exit the classroom with the teacher, in a silent, single-file line.
ELA Class Do-now: Make predictions about the year…?? Quickwrite: Describe your experience with ELA. Important moments or people… Why is ELA important to you?
What is “ELA”? ELA (English Language Arts) is a content area that focuses on: 1.Language- speaking skills, vocabulary, grammar 2.Reading- understanding a text 3.Writing- writing/communicating a message using proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar 4.Media – Using different types of media and technology
Do-now You will get a blank piece of paper: 1.Write your full name on top. 2.Write a one paragraph response to the following question: How did the United States form as a country? Tell me everything you know about American history. Some things to consider: - Who were the first people living here? Were there any wars? Did any new people come here? How did we form our government? What presidents do you know about?
Time’s Up
Parent Letter
Rules Raise hand and wait for permission to speak. Be respectful when speaking, listening, and interacting with others. Ask permission to leave seat. Follow directions the first time given. Follow all school and district rules.
ELA Syllabus 1.Read your assigned section with your table. 2.Create a poster with the information: In color Neat Add illustrations 3. Share your poster with the class