TEXT BOOK Dr. Hanan J.
CH1- THE ROLE OF NUTRITION IN OUR HEALTH What is Nutrition Nutrition and Health What are Nutrients How much do we need Who do we believe and trust Dr. Hanan J.
WHAT IS NUTRITION Nutrition: the study of food, including How food nourishes our bodies How food influences our health Nutrition is a relatively new discipline of science Nutrition research focuses on supporting wellness and preventing and treating chronic diseases Dr. Hanan J.
WHY IS NUTRITION IMPORTANT Nutrition contributes to wellness Wellness: the absence of disease Physical, emotional, social, occupational, and spiritual health Critical components of wellness Nutrition Physical activity Dr. Hanan J.
WHY IS NUTRITION IMPORTANT Nutrition encompasses the following aspects of food Consumption Digestion Absorption Metabolism Storage Excretion Dr. Hanan J.
WHY IS NUTRITION IMPORTANT- CONT’D Nutrition also studies these aspects of food Psychological Food safety Global food supply Cultural Dr. Hanan J.
WHY IS NUTRITION IMPORTANT- CONT’D Physical Health Nutrition Physical Activity Spiritual Health- values and beliefs Emotional Health Positive feeling about self and life Social Health Family, community and social environment Occupational health Dr. Hanan J.
WHY IS NUTRITION IMPORTANT- CONT’D Nutrition can prevent disease Nutrient-deficiency diseases: scurvy, goiter, rickets Diseases influenced by nutrition: chronic diseases such as heart disease Diseases in which nutrition plays a role: osteoarthritis, osteoporosis Dr. Hanan J.
NUTRITION GOALS Nutrition is so important that it has become a national goal Goals of Healthy People Increase quality and years of healthy life 2. Eliminate health disparity Dr. Hanan J.
WHAT ARE NUTRIENTS Nutrients: the chemicals in foods that are critical to human growth and function There are six groups of essential nutrients found in foods: 1- carbohydrates 4-vitamins 2- fats and oils 5-minerals 3- proteins 6-water Dr. Hanan J.
WHAT ARE NUTRIENTS? CONT’D Macronutrients: nutrients required in relatively large amounts (g or Kg) Provide energy Carbohydrates, fats and oils, proteins Micronutrients: nutrients required in smaller amounts (mico-g or mg) Vitamins and minerals Dr. Hanan J.
ENERGY FROM NUTRIENTS We measure energy in kilocalories (kcal) Kilocalorie: amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C On food labels, “calorie” actually refers to kilocalories Dr. Hanan J.
CARBOHYDRATES Primary source of fuel for the body, especially for the brain Provide 4 kcal per gram Found in grains (wheat, rice), vegetables, fruits, and legumes Dr. Hanan J.
FATS AND OILS Composed of lipids, molecules that are insoluble in water Provide 9 kcal per gram Important energy source during rest or low-intensity exercise Found in butter, margarine, vegetable oils Source of fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids Dr. Hanan J.
PROTEINS Chains of amino acids Can supply 4 kcal of energy per gram, but are not a primary energy source Important source of nitrogen Dr. Hanan J.
PROTEINS-CONT’D Proteins are important for Building cells and tissues Maintaining bones Repairing damage Regulating metabolism Fluid balance Protein sources include meats, dairy products, seeds, nuts, and legumes Dr. Hanan J.
MICRONUTRIENTS Vitamins and minerals are known as micronutrients Vitamins: organic molecules that assist in regulating body processes Vitamins are micronutrients that do not supply energy to our bodies 1. Fat-soluble vitamins 2. Water-soluble vitamins Dr. Hanan J.
VITAMINS Fat-soluble vitamins Vitamins A, D, E, and K Dissolve easily in fats and oils Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body Toxicity can occur Dr. Hanan J.
VITAMINS-CONT’D Water-soluble vitamins Vitamin C and the B vitamins Remain dissolved in water Excess water-soluble vitamins are eliminated by the kidneys and cannot be stored in our bodies Dr. Hanan J.
MINERALS Minerals: inorganic substances required for body processes Minerals include sodium, calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium Minerals have many different functions, such as fluid regulation, bone structure, muscle movement, and nerve functioning Dr. Hanan J.
WATER Water is a critical nutrient for health and survival Water is involved in many body processes: fluid balance nutrient transport nerve impulse removal of wastes muscle contractions chemical reactions and many, many more… Dr. Hanan J.
REVIEW Q Nutrition is: a)a relatively new scientific discipline. b)the science that studies food and how food nourishes our bodies and contributes to our health. c)one of the dimensions of wellness. d)all of the above. Dr. Hanan J.
REVIEW Q My diet shows that I have consumed 2,200 calories and 65 grams of protein. How many calories are from protein? a)455 calories b)260 calories c)585 calories d)65 calories Dr. Hanan J.
REVIEW Q Which macronutrients are primarily for energy? a)Proteins and fats b)Carbohydrates and proteins c)Carbohydrates and fats d)Fats and vitamins Dr. Hanan J.