Pedigree Notes
Pedigree Definition- Pedigree is a chart that shows the members of a family and how they are related.
Males are shown as squares Females are shown as circles Pedigree Definition- Males are shown as squares Females are shown as circles
Pedigrees Males are squares Females are circles
Showing Generations in a pedigree chart Generations are often showing on pedigrees using roman numbers.
How many children did individuals I-1 and I-2 have? **
How many girls did II-1 and II-2 have?
How is individual III-2 and II-4 related? III-2 is the niece of II-4.
Shaded squares or circles represent individuals in a family that are affected by the characteristic of interest. Un-shaded squares or circles represent individuals in a family that are NOT affect by a characteristic of interest. Boy with gene/ allele of interest Girl with gene/ allele of interest
SOMETIMES half-shaded squares and circles are used to show when someone is heterozygous/ a carrier of a trait
Using pedigree charts If the phenotypes of the family members are known the genotypes can be deduced using a pedigree chart
Using pedigree charts Pedigree charts can be use to figure out if a characteristic is a dominant or recessive allele
Pedigree chart : The allele of interest is blonde hair
Looking at this pedigree can you tell if this allele of interest is recessive or dominant?
Looking at this pedigree can you tell if this allele of interest is recessive or dominant?
The following gene of interest is a non-sex linked and dominant allele, can you predict the genotype of the people in the three generations?
The following gene of interest is a non-sex linked and dominant allele, can you predict the genotype of the people in the three generations?
The following allele of interest is a sex-linked and dominate , can you predict the genotypes of the following individuals in the pedigree?
The following allele of interest is a sex-linked and dominate , can you predict the genotypes of the following individuals in the pedigree?
Draw this Pedigree Grandma and grandpa are both tongue rollers. They had 4 kids, 2 boys followed by 2 girls. The oldest girl and boy are both non-rollers. The youngest girl marries a man who is a tongue roller and they also have 4 kids. First they had 2 sons, the older could not roll his tongue, but the younger one could. Later they had 2 daughters. Both daughters could roll their tongues. Grandma and grandpa’s youngest boy is a tongue roller. His wife is a non-roller. Their only daughter is also a non-roller. Write the correct genotype in each square or circle. You will need to add to the pedigree!!! NOTE: Males = square, Females = circle Left to right = oldest to youngest
Grandma and grandpa are both tongue rollers Grandma and grandpa are both tongue rollers. They had 4 kids, 2 boys followed by 2 girls. The oldest girl and boy are both non-rollers. The youngest girl marries a man who is a tongue roller and they also have 4 kids. First they had 2 sons, the older could not roll his tongue, but the younger one could. Later they had 2 daughters. Both daughters could roll their tongues. Grandma and grandpa’s youngest boy is a tongue roller. His wife is a non-roller. Their only daughter is also a non-roller. Write the correct genotype in each square or circle. You will need to add to the pedigree!!! NOTE: Males = square, Females = circle Left to right = oldest to youngest
Student Practice YOUR turn to practice. Finish the rest of this pedigree packet on your own. When you are finish check your answers with the Answer key on Moodle A.4 Pedigree Answer Key You will have a quiz on pedigrees next class.