LUNCH and LEARN Fifteen minutes could save you hundreds of points on tests! TODAY! 12:45-1:00: Your Brain, Your Brain on Exams!
LUNCH and LEARN Your Brain, Your Brain on Exams!
Exam Readiness Take The Quiz!
Exam Readiness How did you do? If your score is between 17 and 33 it’s time for damage control. Run, don’t walk to The Learning Center for help! If you score is between 34 and 51 it’s unlikely you will do well on exams without some help. If you score is between 52 and 68 you’ve got some work to do but the prospects of doing well on exams are good. If you score is between 69 and 85, congratulations! You are ready to do a great job on exams!
Your Brain
Your Brain Learns in One of Two Ways From Having an Experience By Making Connections from Known Material to New Material
Exam Readiness Every element in the Exam Readiness Quiz is something that can help you to do well on your exams. If any of them are puzzling to you, stop by the Learning, Math, and Writing Center for techniques and tips on being a successful, efficient exam taker.
Your Brain on Exams
Emotions Affect Your Brain Emotions affect your ability to Learn. Emotions affect your ability to communicate what you’ve learned.
Emotions Affect Your Brain Negative emotion sends a wash through your brain that inhibits the firing of the synapses. Positive emotion sends a wash through your brain like that charges the synapses like lightening!
Your Brain on Exams All the tips and techniques that follow will help you to have experiences, make connections, minimize negativity and maximize positive emotion!
Exam Readiness Know when and where all your exams are. Make arrangements with the appropriate people (e.g. boss, co-workers, parents, family members) so that you can have ample time for studying for your tests. Make arrangements with the appropriate people (e.g. boss, co-workers, parents, family members) so that you can be on time and have ample time to take your tests.
Exam Readiness Have all your assignments read. Make sure you have completed all course work (e.g. papers, quizzes, projects).. Get study guides or have create your own. Find out what will be covered on your exams.
Exam Readiness Create and take practice tests. Make sure you know definitions of all the relevant vocabulary. Do your study techniques help you make memorable connections? Teach the material on the exam to someone else or even the wall! Address anxiety issues.
Exam Readiness Identify resources to get answers to any questions you have in preparing for your exams. Figure out what you need to score on the exams for each of your classes in order to get the grade you need/want in the course. Find out what to do if you have too many tests on one day or if you need to take your exam(s) at a different time than scheduled. Work out your schedule to be able to get sufficient, regular sleep during exam week. Be aware of the law of diminishing returns. Know how much sleep you need to be able to think clearly.
Exam Readiness Develop strategies for test taking. If you haven’t already done it, Take the Pledge! It’s never too late to start using the 24 hour rule.
This Message Brought to You by the LMWC For more information about Preparing for Exams and other ways to be the best, most efficient learner you can be, visit The Learning, Math, and Writing PVCC, room 607 !