Chapter 9-Eucharist Pages
WHAT DOES THE EUCHARIST CELEBRATE? Bread is a daily reminder of God’s love for us. “ The staff of life.” Last Supper> Jesus took bread, broke it and gave it to them, saying,” this is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” (Lk. 22:19)
A ritual meal Remember? What is a ritual? Meal= deeply human action Jesus’ action at a special meal> Passover God’s saving action of freeing Israel from slavery in Egypt. A meal of thanksgiving.
Transformed Meaning Jesus transformed the meaning of the ritual Passover meal by identifying the bread and wine with his own body and blood. Eucharist>Gk:> “thanksgiving” We are thankful and praising God in the context of a sacred meal, for all the good God has done for us, through Jesus.
God’s Banquet What IS a banquet? Give Examples from scripture of the banquet used as a symbol. Eucharist symbolizes how life and human relationships ought to be. All are invited, all are forgiven, make peace, share their life….
Banquet Jesus shocked his companions by eating dinner with tax collectors, prostitutes and other outcasts of his society. This is what God’s love is like, a place for everyone at the banquet
Banquet The Eucharist thus symbolizes how life and human relationships ought to be. All reconciled, all invited, share life with one another.
Sacrifice: Giving life to Bring Life Past:We remember and thank God for the saving actions of Jesus’ life death and resurrection. We remember Jesus’ sacrifice, for all humankind. Present:But also! Memory yes but it also brings about a present reality-that Jesus gives of himself to us in the here and now, bringing new life to us in the process
Sacrifice: Giving Life to Bring Life Future: We look forward to a time when all God’s people will be united in love through Jesus in the “heavenly banquet” of God’s Kingdom. Being Present: Think of a time when you were truly “present” to a person or activity.
The Real Presence_ What does the story of Baal Shem Tov teach us about being present? (181) How is Jesus Present in the Eucharist? 1) In the priest 2) In Scripture 3) In the people 4) In the bread and wine
Transubstantiation The bread and wine have become the body and blood of Jesus We know when someone is present (or absent) to us. What are elements of being present? What are the elements of being present in the story about Jim on page ?
The Challenge: Be the Body of Christ We are challenged in every Eucharistic celebration not only to receive the body of Christ, but to be the body of Christ. The Eucharist is meant to mirror the way we live. We are challenged to be welcoming, offer peace,reconciliation, sharing…
Challenge of the Eucharist Openness to everyone Offer the sign of the pew… But also in life with those whom we have a conflict. Christians can respond to many forms of hunger and thus become“bread for the world” Hunger for food Hunger for Justice, hope, freedom
A Commercial Create a commercial that “sells” the Idea of BEING the body of Christ. What are the elements of this reality that We need to know/remember? Why do we want to BE the body of Christ? Why does the world NEED us to be the Body of Christ? Slogan, poster, up front!
Review questions 187 An in class quiz.
The Ritual of the Eucharist: Symbolic Actions and Words