Annual Mandatory Bully/Harassment Training Melvin F. Blackwell Chief of Student Services Division of Student Services
Student Discrimination The Muscogee County School District prohibits discrimination or harassment including: Sexual harassment Race Color Natural Origin Sex Religion Disability Gender Age
Procedure Alleged harassment or discrimination Alleged retaliation or harassment after filing
Specific Policy Requirements: Notify, Reply, Document MCSD Policy Requires: –Principal or designee MUST be notified about any complaint of harassment or discrimination. –A prompt and equitable investigation into the reported allegation will be done. –The complainant and accused are allowed to present witnesses and evidence. –The investigation shall be completed no later than 5 school days from receipt of the report. –Principal or designee MUST reply to any complaints of discrimination to the parent and/or student. –Appropriate documentation must be maintained –Results from Principal/designee’s investigation will be reported in writing to the complainant and the accused.
Examples of unacceptable conduct: Unwelcome sexual advances Request for sexual favors Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature including subtle pressure for sexual activity, touching, pinching, patting, or brushing against Comments regarding physical or personality characteristics of a sexual perform
Unacceptable Conducts (cont.): Sexually-oriented “kidding”, “teasing”, “double-meaning” and joke. Demanding sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats concerning an individual’s employment or educational status.
Process for reporting acts of discrimination or harassment and appeal process Note: The District will regard the age of the Pre-K and elementary student as a factor in the interpretation and enforcement of this policy. 1.MCSD encourages resolutions at the lowest level i.e. principal or designee. There will not be any adverse effects on the individual who filed the complaint. 2.Principal’s result from investigation of each complaint will be reported in writing to the complainant and other parties, as appropriate, and in accordance with state and federal laws regarding data or records privacy, and consistent with the privacy rights of all individual involved. 3.Principal or appropriate designee of the school must reply to the complaint in writing within 5 school days from receipt of the report. 4.If complainant wishes to appeal, he/she can do so by submitting an appeal, in writing, to the Regional Zone Chief for the school’s zone. (INSTRUCTIONS AND APPEAL FORMS ARE LOCATED at each school or the Division of Student Services.)
Process for reporting acts of discrimination or harassment and appeal process (cont.) 5.Regional Zone Chief shall initiate an investigation within 1-5 school days of receipt of an appeal and a written response to the complainant will be sent within 1 – 10 school days of receipt of the appeal. 6. If the complainant wishes to appeal the decision of the Regional Zone Chief, he/she may do so by submitting an appeal, in writing, to the Chief of Student Services/Coordinator of Compliance, Mr. Melvin F. Blackwell, 2960 Macon Road, Columbus, Georgia 31906, (706) (Forms are located at each school or the Division of Student Services).The Coordinator of Compliance shall issue a written response to the complainant no later that fifteen (15) school days from the receipt of the appeal.
Process for reporting acts of discrimination or harassment and appeal process (cont.) 8.If the complainant wishes to appeal the Coordinator of Compliance, a written response should be submitted to the Superintendent for review. 9.The Superintendent will conduct a timely review of the appeal and respond, as appropriate, within thirty (30) school days of receipt of the appeal. If the complaint is not otherwise resolved, the Superintendent shall present the matter to the Board of Education. 10.The Board shall review the original complaint, the response of the Chief Student Services Officer or Chief Human Resources Officer, the response of the Superintendent and the response of the complainant. 11.The Board of Education will either uphold the recommendation of the Superintendent or make an alternate recommendation. 12.A copy of the action of the Board will be furnished to the complainant, either as part of the minutes of the Board of Education or as a separate written statement. The Board shall be the final reviewing authority within the System. 9.