Discuss with a partner how the move to common core will change education.
Goals: Instructional: Incorporate research based strategies and ensure active engagement. Curricular: Revise curriculum & align to the Common Core (reflecting increased rigor)
Move to the Common Core Expectations and Tasks High Accountability Group K-8 Math K-12 ELA Biology (other Sciences affected) Algebra 1 (subsequent Math classes) Being tested NOW or Next year on the Common Core Revise and Submit Curriculum for Approval All Teachers All teachers in all schools under the new teacher evaluation system. Emphasis on ELA in all content areas to support common core “Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects” Revise and Reformat Curriculum
Why Common Core, Why Reformat Curriculum (again) An overwhelming majority of states, including Pennsylvania adopted the Common Core State Standards. We are not just modifying what we currently do into a new format. We must change what we teach and how we teach it. The curriculum cycle has been broken and much of the curriculum are outdated in content and format.
Resources SAS Common Core Resources – National Common Core – ELA Maps Curriculum Templates Curriculum Templates – Shares Drive - All available on intranet Crosswalk Documents comparing CCSS and PA Standards
The Finished Product