Selection of System Operators 1
WIOA Requirement Competitive Selection RFP Team Selection Process Key Elements of the RFP County Considerations Opportunities to Engage Summary 2
3 Overview According to Section 107(d) of the Workforce Investment and Innovation Act, one of the fundamental responsibilities of the Local Board is to: Designate or certify one-stop operators through a competitive process. Identify eligible providers of youth workforce investment activities in the local area by awarding grants or contracts on a competitive basis. Identify eligible providers of career services in the local area by awarding contracts. WIOA Requirement
Competitive Selection 4 Competitive Selection of Service Delivery System One Stop Operator and Adult & Dislocated Worker Program Operator North County South County Youth Program Operator North County South County Requests for Proposal (2) Competitions (4)
County Executive Office California Workforce Association WDB Staff RFP Team 5
Selection Process 6 County Releases RFPsProposals Submitted Proposals Evaluated by Rating Panels (4 separate competitions) Final Scores Calculated July 15 WDB Meeting (Presentations, Recommendations, and Vote) Contracts Executed by County Board of Supervisors
Key Elements of the RFP 7 Many of the key elements in the RFPs are mandated. The WIOA explicitly requires or defines: Participant Eligibility Service Delivery Elements Performance Metrics Mandated Partnerships Eligible Applicants
County Considerations 8 While developing the RFP, the County Executive Office carefully considered and decided to: Maintain the two current One Stop locations (one in North County, one in South County) with an even funding split between the two. Not separate the competition for One Stop Operator and the Adult & Dislocated Worker Program Operator for efficiency and cost savings. Realign the duties and responsibilities of WDB staff to achieve cost savings and support program administration. Ensure the majority of funding is made available for direct services.
Mandated Responsibility: o Vote to designate and certify the One Stop and Program Operators Additional Opportunities for Board Members to Engage: o Participate on an RFP rating panel (open to private sector members only) o Ask questions of Proposers at July 15 th Board Meeting o Develop additional performance metrics, set additional “stretch” goals, add supplementary service elements to the contracts Role of the WDB 9