November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 1 ETD meeting PID Integration.


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Presentation transcript:

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 1 ETD meeting PID Integration

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 2 From BABAR to Superb ~ 10 kPMs / 12 Sectors 12 crates : 14 boards/ 64 channels per board + Concentrator board : serial link to DAQ Commercial crates fasten on the detector Few meters from PM to electronics front end. Channel processing : Time measurement :TDC/ 500 ps bin/250 ps resolution/500 Khz max input rate capability. Charge measurement : 8 bits ADC

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 3 FDIRC : new design -> FBLOCK Same bars 12 sectors No more water / sob New PM with Better resolution Higher count rate / channels. 18K/36k channels New requirements : ps bin KHz count rate per channel - Trigger rate - Latency - Radiation constraints FDIRC

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 4 Design option Two design options : - A la BABAR : Cables from PM to the Front end electronics. Crate fixed on the side of the detector or close to it Crate fixed on the side of the detector or close to it Pros : Easy access – cooling- Commercial crate. Cons : Cables cost. S/N ratio. Pick up. Magnetic Field. Shielding. To be study : Resolution performances after 5 meters long cables with/ without local amplification on PM bases. - Electronics on the FBLOCK. Pros : Shielded by the doors (Neutrons. Magnetic field). No cables. Better signal to noise ratio. Compact solution. Cons : Mechanical constraints to fix the boards on the FBLOCK Dismounting issues : difficult access to the electronics Dismounting issues : difficult access to the electronics Thermal constraints : Global heat extraction problems…. Thermal constraints : Global heat extraction problems…. Commissioning ( accessibility ) Commissioning ( accessibility )

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 5 Design option : baseline for TDR Cable costing : BABAR PM cables 1 M FF. (1998 ) -> ~ 200 K Euros. Cable costing : BABAR PM cables 1 M FF. (1998 ) -> ~ 200 K Euros. Rough estimate of the electronics : 700 K Euros Rough estimate of the electronics : 700 K Euros The pros/cons for an electronics on/off the detector are balanced. The pros/cons for an electronics on/off the detector are balanced. Cable cost is the major argument to choose between the 2 options. Cable cost is the major argument to choose between the 2 options.  Option 2 – electronics on FBLOCK- is considered as baseline for the TDR

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 6 Boards are guided like in a crate with rails. It permits to mount/dismount them easily Boards are guided like in a crate with rails. It permits to mount/dismount them easily It copies a crate structure. From price concern we will try to use commercial components : bars, rails … It copies a crate structure. From price concern we will try to use commercial components : bars, rails …  constraints on the design PM alignment constraints : PM footprints have to be aligned vertically and horizontally with the same precision used in commercial crates. PM alignment constraints : PM footprints have to be aligned vertically and horizontally with the same precision used in commercial crates.  To power boards we need a backplane FBLOCK electronics

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 7 Backplane Final design : 6 * 8 PM / FBLOCK 64 -> 32 Channels /PM

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 8 Backplane : many options ! 16 rows / 1 backplane 16 Boards / 96 channels 16 rows / 8 backplanes 16 Boards / 96 channels 32 rows 32 Boards / 48 channels 8 rows / 1 backplane 8 Boards / 192 channels 8 rows / 8 backplanes 8 Boards / 192 channels Mechanical studies to be done  Mechanical studies to be done  Max channels / board to evaluate

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 9 Backplane Version with 1 or 2 connectors / PM / 8 backplanes seems to be the best trade off between complexity, modularity, dismounting issue for PM replacement/ alignment The HV distribution could be included inside the backplane to avoid daisy chain cables passing over the electronics. The boards will be powered via the backplane  Connection to the power supply : mechanical issues. Non standard. The boards need cooling  Air flow, cooling system on the FBLOCK : mechanical issues for fan tray. The board need to receive / send signals : DAQ- ECS- Clock …  Option with cables / board or signal distributed by backplane

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 10 The calculation of the number of links L for a given subdetector is based on the following parameters: The calculation of the number of links L for a given subdetector is based on the following parameters: N: number of channels [channel] N: number of channels [channel] T: trigger rate [events / s] T: trigger rate [events / s] E: event size [bits / (event x channel)] E: event size [bits / (event x channel)] R: link baud rate [bits / (link x s)] R: link baud rate [bits / (link x s)] The equation giving the minimum number of links with an optimum multiplexing factor and no concern about detector topology is: The equation giving the minimum number of links with an optimum multiplexing factor and no concern about detector topology is: L = N x T x E / R L = N x T x E / R Some of these numbers are common to the whole experiment: Some of these numbers are common to the whole experiment: T = 150 k events / s. T = 150 k events / s. R = 2 Gbits / s (conservative payload ) R = 2 Gbits / s (conservative payload ) For barrel PID numbers are the following: For barrel PID numbers are the following: N = 18,000 channels N = 18,000 channels Links : Raw calculations

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 11 The calculation of the event size is based on the following parameters: The calculation of the event size is based on the following parameters: W: trigger window W: trigger window H: hit rate per channel [hits / s /channel] H: hit rate per channel [hits / s /channel] D: mean number of data bits per hit [bits / hit] (includes data formatting and encapsulation) D: mean number of data bits per hit [bits / hit] (includes data formatting and encapsulation) The equation giving the event size E is the following: The equation giving the event size E is the following: E = W x H x D E = W x H x D For barrel PID (focussing DIRC option), numbers could be the following with a simple BABAR-like TDC option: For barrel PID (focussing DIRC option), numbers could be the following with a simple BABAR-like TDC option: W = 200 ns W = 200 ns H = 100 kHz H = 100 kHz D = 32 bits D = 32 bits  E = 2 E-7 x 1.0 E+5 x 32 = 6.4 E-1 [bits/ (w x channel)]  L = 1.8 E+3 x 1.5 E+5 x 6.4 E-1 / 2 E+9 < 1 link !!! Links : Raw calculations

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 12 Backplane (8 boards/sector) : 2 options Clock and controls : one receiver per board. ECS ( monitoring ctrl. JTAG) : One receiver per board + Data link -> 24 cables/sector Concentrator crate close to the detector. Data packing ( backplane) + ECS receiver + Clock and control receiver + Data link -> 3 cables (redundancy has to be foreseen) Sector concentrator board : Clock and controls ECS ( monitoring. JTAG) DAQ link  2 nd Backplane ~ 20 Mb serial link to the sector concentrator -> 3 cables per sector

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 13 FB_Crate Power supply

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 14 TDC : Scats 20 MHz to 110 MHz 500 KHz to 2 MHz evts/ch

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 15 PM pulse Electronics Chain : 16 Channel processing block diagram Max 100 KHz/ch TDC part Derandomizer + parallel to serial output  variable latency Readout part FPGA ProsAsic 3 ~ 50 Gb/s. Data pushed  L1 derandomizer here !

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 16 Latency Pipeline Wr_en Digital Data L + W’ Event Buffer 256 Bits start_flag, go_back, Mn empty Counter Trigger Fifo “M” FSM enable Mn !empty Mn end COMB Go_back_in_time Latency W’ W 16 Bits wr_en FSM FPGA Mn rd Data_in ASIC latency Analog Data ASIC latency Analog Data X N ADC clk Data_out 17x16 bits MUXMUX 16 bits Tx 112 Mhz 1.8 GBits/s to ROM Extra latency ΔtΔt Wr_en Event Buffer rd Data_in Data_out 17x16 bits MUXMUX 16 bits Tx 112 Mhz 1.8 GBits/s to ROM wr_en delayed 112 Mhz rd L WW’ registers ECS How to deal with the proposal

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 17 How to deal with … : Solution one

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 18 How to deal with … : Solution two

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 19 Requirements on fan trays and heat exchanger. A rough estimation gives : A rough estimation gives : Fe : 500 mW / 16 Channels Fe : 500 mW / 16 Channels PGA : 1 W / 16 channels PGA : 1 W / 16 channels TDC : 500 mW / 16 channels TDC : 500 mW / 16 channels `+ glue => Total 3 W / 16 channels. `+ glue => Total 3 W / 16 channels. => Sector ( ~ 1.5 kchannels ) = ~ 500 W ( 350 W on Babar/~600 ch) => Sector ( ~ 1.5 kchannels ) = ~ 500 W ( 350 W on Babar/~600 ch) => 11 kW in total. => 11 kW in total. From Wiener data sheet From Wiener data sheet Q = ( 3.1 P) / T Q = ( 3.1 P) / T Q= airflow in m3 / h Q= airflow in m3 / h P = Dissipated power ( W) P = Dissipated power ( W) T = Temperature change at given air flow T = Temperature change at given air flow -> 1kW power, a specified difference T = 10 degrees requires a airflow of 300 m3/h 0 -> 1kW power, a specified difference T = 10 degrees requires a airflow of 300 m3/h 0

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 20 Available now Available 1st Qt 04 Power Supply

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 21 Modular Floating Power Supply Power box for 6 modules Power box for 6 modules Floating Range >10V minimize DC- ground shift on backplane between separated voltage channels, even when the currents are strongly different Floating Range >10V minimize DC- ground shift on backplane between separated voltage channels, even when the currents are strongly different Modules freely combinable for current increasing in parallel or as +/- outputs Modules freely combinable for current increasing in parallel or as +/- outputs

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 22 Radiation/ Magnetic field The both power modules worked within specifications up to the fluence p/cm 2, 3 * 14KRad. The both power modules worked within specifications up to the fluence p/cm 2, 3 * 14KRad. No destructive single event occurred. No destructive single event occurred. The CANbus connection worked also fine during the irradiation (the controller board was not in the beam). The CANbus connection worked also fine during the irradiation (the controller board was not in the beam). The output voltage drifted a little (0.2%) due to temperature effect. The output voltage drifted a little (0.2%) due to temperature effect. Fans are the weak point in magnetic field  turbine or shielding FDIRC will benefit of what we learnt on LHCb :  3 Voting on registers, state machines, FIFO pointers.  Sensitive components qualified in test beam  Use of Actel FPGA  Power protection on boards ( current monitoring and automatic shut down)  Redundancy on sensitive path

November 16th 2011 Christophe Beigbeder 23Questionnaire Number of electronic channel Number of tubes Power dissipated per tube Volume occupied by the electronics (drawings of electronic modules) Max tolerable distances between the detectors to the electronic modules Access frequency on the external electronic per year Frequency access on the detector per year Modularity of the electronic unit (housing racks) Number and size of power cable Number and size of Read-out cables or fibers Number and size of slow control Minimum bending radius Shielding requirements (thermal and electrical) Information drawings on the cable distribution on the detector geometry Cooling system. Cooling system. Requirement of cooling system Requirement of cooling system Power, flow, temperature and type of fluid Power, flow, temperature and type of fluid Allowed detector temperature variations Allowed detector temperature variations Size of the chiller Size of the chiller Cooling pipes distribution at sub detector ends (drawings) Cooling pipes distribution at sub detector ends (drawings) Describe other requirements that have an impact of the space available like auxiliary equipment, minimum space for accessibility, etc Describe other requirements that have an impact of the space available like auxiliary equipment, minimum space for accessibility, etc Describe other requirements that have an impact of the space available like space for the commissioning operations and assembly Describe other requirements that have an impact of the space available like space for the commissioning operations and assembly