Ichiro MAEDA Washington Office Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) World Bank – Keidanren Staff Exchange Program Washington, D.C. June 28, 2004 Contributing to Energy Infrastructure in Developing Countries Legal Notice: T his documentation includes technical knowledge and secret information that belong to our company and our licensors. Therefore, it shall neither be disclosed to any third parties, be copied, nor be used for any purpose other than that accorded by our company. TOKYO ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, INC.
1 TEPCO Overview ©2004 Tokyo Electric Power Company, INC. All Rights Reserved. ・ Generation Capacity : 60GW ・ Sales : 276 TWh ・ Number of Customers : 27.5 Million
2 TEPCO’s Overseas Business ◆ IPP Projects Vietnam - Vietnam : thermal power IPP Australia - Australia : thermal power IPP and forest plantation U.A.E. - U.A.E. : thermal power IPP and desalination Taiwan - Taiwan : thermal power IPP ◆ Consulting Services - 40 projects in 20 countries Major fields - Major fields: generation, transmission & substation, distribution; system planning; power development planning; sector reform; tariff analysis; and so on. ©2004 Tokyo Electric Power Company, INC. All Rights Reserved.
3 Key Issues of Development of Infrastructure 1.Comprehensive Development of Infrastructure 2. Integration vs. Unbundling 3. Environmentally Sound Development 4.Education ©2004 Tokyo Electric Power Company, INC. All Rights Reserved.
4 1. Comprehensive Development of Infrastructure ◆ Long-Term National Economic Development ◆ Well-Designed Master Plan ◆ Multi-Sector Development ◆ Precise Demand Forecast to Respond to Urbanization ◆ Least Cost Planning by Integrated Planning ©2004 Tokyo Electric Power Company, INC. All Rights Reserved.
5 2. Integration vs. Unbundling ◆ Harmonized system and Power Development Plans → Vertical Integration ◆ Reliability Assured by Integrated Planning ©2004 Tokyo Electric Power Company, INC. All Rights Reserved.
6 3. Environmentally Sound Power Development ◆ Efficient Utilization of Indigenous Resources and “Best Generating Mix” ◆ Natural Gas and Clean Coal Technology ◆ Hydroelectric Power Development in Proper Consideration of Environment ©2004 Tokyo Electric Power Company, INC. All Rights Reserved.
7 4. Education ◆ Education for Counterpart Policy Makers for Planning ◆ Capacity Building for Sustainable Operations & Maintenance ©2004 Tokyo Electric Power Company, INC. All Rights Reserved.
8 For Better ODA Assistance ◆ Priority of Assistance ◆ Coordination among Donors ©2004 Tokyo Electric Power Company, INC. All Rights Reserved.
9 Contributing to Energy Infrastructure in Developing Countries in Developing Countries World Bank – Keidanren Staff Exchange Program Washington, D.C. June 28, 2004 Thank you for your attention.