ARMA Arthritis And Musculoskeletal Alliance.
Patient Organisations (19) Professional Organisations(20)
Our Aims ARMA – the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance ARMA is the umbrella association body providing a collective voice for the arthritis and musculoskeletal community in the UK. Our Vision ARMA’s vision is of an effective, unified musculoskeletal community working together to improve the lives of people with musculoskeletal disorders. Our Mission ARMA strives to transform the quality of life for people with musculoskeletal disorders. We do this in partnership with our member organisations, by shaping policy and best practice. Our Membership Today we have 40 member organisations, ranging from specialised support groups for rare diseases to major research charities and national professional bodies. Internationally ARMA is the United Kingdom’s national action network for the Bone and Joint Decade and the UK’s representative for EULAR PARE. Our Activities ARMA works in partnership with its Member organisations to improve standards of care for people with arthritis and other musculoskeletal disorders. ARMA – the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance ARMA is the umbrella association body providing a collective voice for the arthritis and musculoskeletal community in the UK. Our Vision ARMA’s vision is of an effective, unified musculoskeletal community working together to improve the lives of people with musculoskeletal disorders. Our Mission ARMA strives to transform the quality of life for people with musculoskeletal disorders. We do this in partnership with our member organisations, by shaping policy and best practice. Our Membership Today we have 40 member organisations, ranging from specialised support groups for rare diseases to major research charities and national professional bodies. Internationally ARMA is the United Kingdom’s national action network for the Bone and Joint Decade and the UK’s representative for EULAR PARE. Our Activities ARMA works in partnership with its Member organisations to improve standards of care for people with arthritis and other musculoskeletal disorders.
ARMA’s Strategic Plan outlines key aims, objectives and KPIs for the Alliance over the next three years, covering the whole of the UK. It includes goals related to the Musculoskeletal Services Framework, care quality standards, best practice, clinical networks, care quality commissioning, NICE, and many other aspects of health policy and musculoskeletal disorders. ARMA’s Strategic Plan outlines key aims, objectives and KPIs for the Alliance over the next three years, covering the whole of the UK. It includes goals related to the Musculoskeletal Services Framework, care quality standards, best practice, clinical networks, care quality commissioning, NICE, and many other aspects of health policy and musculoskeletal disorders.
ARMA Guiding Values. Our Guiding Values ARMA is: Authoritative: We bring together patient-led, professional and research organisations, and will speak for all groups working to improve services for people with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Our policies will be based on strong evidence and informed by all ARMA members and their stakeholders. Inclusive: We value all of our members as integral parts of the ARMA community and work with a variety of stakeholders through memberships, partnerships and collaborations in order to safeguard and champion the interests of people with musculoskeletal disorders in healthcare.our members Accountable: Our BoardOur Board is elected by our members, who help set the strategic plan for ARMA and have regular opportunities to discuss and agree all relevant matters at the AGM and through regular CEO and policy group meetings. Transparent: We have clear processes for our work, including our decision-making processes, utilising all appropriate means and communication tools. We have an open, transparent framework to guide our funding agreements.funding agreements Independent: We are a charity and umbrella organisation independent of government, industry and other organisations, and have a strong corporate partnership policy.corporate partnership policy Our Guiding Values ARMA is: Authoritative: We bring together patient-led, professional and research organisations, and will speak for all groups working to improve services for people with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Our policies will be based on strong evidence and informed by all ARMA members and their stakeholders. Inclusive: We value all of our members as integral parts of the ARMA community and work with a variety of stakeholders through memberships, partnerships and collaborations in order to safeguard and champion the interests of people with musculoskeletal disorders in healthcare.our members Accountable: Our BoardOur Board is elected by our members, who help set the strategic plan for ARMA and have regular opportunities to discuss and agree all relevant matters at the AGM and through regular CEO and policy group meetings. Transparent: We have clear processes for our work, including our decision-making processes, utilising all appropriate means and communication tools. We have an open, transparent framework to guide our funding agreements.funding agreements Independent: We are a charity and umbrella organisation independent of government, industry and other organisations, and have a strong corporate partnership policy.corporate partnership policy
Musculoskeletal Burden Of Disease The Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA), the voice of the musculoskeletal community in the UK, calls for urgent action to reduce the burden of disability Musculoskeletal conditions are the greatest cause of disability in the UK according to a report by international experts, published in The Lancet on 5th March 2013.published in The Lancet In the first comprehensive study of the impact of all diseases and risk factors worldwide, musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions have the third greatest impact on the overall health of the population, considering both death and disability. This landmark study of the burden of all diseases provides indisputable evidence that musculoskeletal conditions are an enormous and increasing problem in the UK as well as globally, and need to be given the same priority for policy and resources as other major conditions like cancer, mental health and cardiovascular disease. The Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA), the voice of the musculoskeletal community in the UK, calls for urgent action to reduce the burden of disability Musculoskeletal conditions are the greatest cause of disability in the UK according to a report by international experts, published in The Lancet on 5th March 2013.published in The Lancet In the first comprehensive study of the impact of all diseases and risk factors worldwide, musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions have the third greatest impact on the overall health of the population, considering both death and disability. This landmark study of the burden of all diseases provides indisputable evidence that musculoskeletal conditions are an enormous and increasing problem in the UK as well as globally, and need to be given the same priority for policy and resources as other major conditions like cancer, mental health and cardiovascular disease.
ARMA is always pleased to respond to enquiries about our work. Contact us using the information below. Loading... Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance ARMA Office Contact Details Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance Tel: +44 (0) /11 Fax:+44 (0) Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance Office: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance Bride House Bride Lane London EC4Y 8EE
We believe people have a right to: Access to appropriate services for all people with musculoskeletal conditions Timely diagnosis and treatment Information Services which are centered on the needs of users Independence and self-determination
Standards of care Arthritis and related musculoskeletal conditions affect one in 5 people in the UK, causing pain and disability. They can strike at any age, from infancy onwards. They cost society billions each year in health and social costs, lost employment, benefits; and they cost many individuals their independence and quality of life. There are many myths about these conditions – but the most damaging of all is that nothing can be done. Something can always be done – be it providing details of a local support group, or designing a service which means that people see the right specialist at the right time. As part of ARMA’s Standards of Care project, a group of people with a range of musculoskeletal conditions has come together to identify what needs to happen in health services to enable them to minimise the pain and disability of arthritis, and to help people remain independent. Arthritis and related musculoskeletal conditions affect one in 5 people in the UK, causing pain and disability. They can strike at any age, from infancy onwards. They cost society billions each year in health and social costs, lost employment, benefits; and they cost many individuals their independence and quality of life. There are many myths about these conditions – but the most damaging of all is that nothing can be done. Something can always be done – be it providing details of a local support group, or designing a service which means that people see the right specialist at the right time. As part of ARMA’s Standards of Care project, a group of people with a range of musculoskeletal conditions has come together to identify what needs to happen in health services to enable them to minimise the pain and disability of arthritis, and to help people remain independent.
They have suggested reasonable expectations of care and services for all people with musculoskeletal conditions. People have a right to: Access to appropriate services for all people with musculoskeletal conditions Timely diagnosis and treatment Information Services which are centred on the needs of users Independence and self-determination. They have suggested reasonable expectations of care and services for all people with musculoskeletal conditions. People have a right to: Access to appropriate services for all people with musculoskeletal conditions Timely diagnosis and treatment Information Services which are centred on the needs of users Independence and self-determination. Standards of care
Access to appropriate services for all people with musculoskeletal conditions It is a stated aim of the NHS national plan that health services should be genuinely national, offering access to consistently high quality, timely and accessible services right across the country. Everyone should have access to services and receive treatment and care on the basis of need. People should be treated as individuals and be provided with packages of care that meet their needs. This means that health and social care partners need to work together to put people right at the centre. They need to listen to people’s views and act upon them; and they need to involve and support carers whenever necessary. It is a stated aim of the NHS national plan that health services should be genuinely national, offering access to consistently high quality, timely and accessible services right across the country. Everyone should have access to services and receive treatment and care on the basis of need. People should be treated as individuals and be provided with packages of care that meet their needs. This means that health and social care partners need to work together to put people right at the centre. They need to listen to people’s views and act upon them; and they need to involve and support carers whenever necessary.
Services which are centred on the needs of users Recent research and policy reviews have pointed the way to partnership and whole system working. Such systems are characterised as: Services organised around the user. Participants recognise that they are part of an interdependent system. Participants have shared visions, objectives and resources. Boundaries between organisations are seamless to the user. Recent research and policy reviews have pointed the way to partnership and whole system working. Such systems are characterised as: Services organised around the user. Participants recognise that they are part of an interdependent system. Participants have shared visions, objectives and resources. Boundaries between organisations are seamless to the user.
Wales ARMA Network Wales ARMA Network Other Local Networks: Birmingham Burton-on-Trent Camden East Dorset Portsmouth Romford Stoke-on-Trent Scotland This is the page for the ARMA Network for Wales. Local Contact: Chris Sweetnam NWARMA Chairperson and convenor ******* New documents: ARMA briefings on the quality of MSK services in the following Health Boards: Aneurin Bevan Local Health Board Betsi Cadwaladr local health board Cwm Taf Local Health Board design Powys teaching local health board design Birmingham Burton-on-Trent Camden East Dorset Portsmouth Romford Stoke-on-Trent Scotland Aneurin Bevan Local Health Board Betsi Cadwaladr local health board Cwm Taf Local Health Board design Powys teaching local health board design
Useful and important contacts for North Wales: Arthritis Care Phone: Free Helpline: or Conwy Voluntary Services Council Geraint Davies Health & Social Care Facilitator BackCare BackCare is a national charity that aims to reduce the impact of back pain on society by providing information, support, promoting good practice and funding research. BackCare acts as a hub between patients, (healthcare) professionals, employers, policy makers, researchers and all others with an interest in back pain.
Arthritis Research UK Arthritis Research UK is the leading authority on arthritis in the UK, conducting scientific and medical research into all types of arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions. It is the UK’s fourth largest medical research charity and the only charity solely committed to funding high quality research into the cause, treatment and cure of arthritis, which affects more than seven million people in the UK today and millions more worldwide. The British Chiropractic Association The British Chiropractic Association (BCA) is the largest and longest-standing association for chiropractors in the UK. It was founded in 1925 and has a membership comprising over 50% of the UK’s registered chiropractors. The BCA only accepts members who have graduated from a nationally or internationally- recognised college of chiropractic education, after a minimum of four years full- time training and ensures its chiropractors maintain high standards of conduct, practice, education and training. The BCA was a founder member of the European Chiropractors Union and the World Federation of Chiropractic. All BCA members are covered by a high quality professional indemnity insurance and the Association operates a robust professional standards and complaints management process.
Scleroderma Society The Scleroderma Society was founded in 1982 to provide support for both people with scleroderma and their families. Everyone involved in the Society cares deeply about raising awareness and research for this rare condition and supporting those diagnosed with it. We are a well-respected and trusted organisation both in the UK and internationally, with a reputation for providing reliable and excellent information on scleroderma as well as for keeping members informed with up-to-date news and research from the world of scleroderma. Our services include a free helpline, an annual conference, a network of local groups across the UK, a members’ assistance fund, an online discussion forum, a popular quarterly newsletter and an extensive range of literature on scleroderma. We strive to increase awareness among the general public and the medical profession to improve early diagnosis and prognosis and participate in World Scleroderma Awareness Day. The Society, its volunteers and fundraisers, raise vital funds used for scientific and medical research into the causes and possible treatments for scleroderma. Helpline: am to 9.00pm The Scleroderma Society is a registered charity (No ) founded in