Urinary System Vocabulary
Catheterization The process of inserting a flexible tube into a body cavity, such as the urinary tract, for the purpose of removing fluid
Cystitis- Inflammation of the bladder
Cystoscope- Instrument used to visually examine the bladder
Cystoscopy- Process of visually examining the bladder
Glomerulonephritis- Inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney
Lithotripsy- Surgical crushing of kidney stones using procedures such as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
Meatotomy- Process of cutting into the urethral meatus
Nephrolithiasis- Kidney stones
Nephropathy- Disease of the kidney
Hydronephrosis- Accumulation of fluid in the renal pelvis due to the obstruction of the normal urinary pathway
Pyelogram- Record of the ureter and kidney
Pyelonephritis- Inflammation of the kidney pelvis and kidney
Ureteral- Pertaining to the ureter
Ureterostomy- New opening between the ureter and abdominal wall
Transurethral- Performed through the urethra
Uremia- Accumulation of waste products in the blood due to loss of kidney function; azotemia
Speacialist in the study of the urinary system in females and the urinary and reproductive systems in males
Dialysis- Mechanical replacement of kidney function when the kidney is dysfunctional. Two types, hemodialysis- where blood is passed through a kidney machine for waste removal; and peritoneal dialysis- in which fluid is injected into the peritoneal cavity where then waste flow out of the blood into the fluid where than the fluid is removed.
Urinalysis- Laboratory analysis of urine
Anuria (aka suppression)- No urine formation
Bacteriuria- Bacteria in the urine
Dysuria- Painful urination
Hematuria- Blood in the urine
Nocturia- Frequent urination at night
Oliguria- Decreased urination
Proteinuria- Excessive amounts of protein in the urine; albuminuria
Pyuria- Pus in the urine
Incontinence- No control of excretory functions such as urination
Polyuria- Excretion of large amounts of urine
Polycystic kidneys- Kidney with many cysts
ARF- Acute renal failure
BUN- Blood urea nitrogen (test that measures waste products)
CAPD- Continous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
CRF- Chronic renal failure
Cysto- Cystoscopic examination
GU- Genitourinary
IVP- Intravenous pyelogram
KUB- Kidney, ureter, and bladder
PKU- Phenylketonuria
QNS- Quantity not sufficient
UA- Urinalysis
UTI- Urinary tract infection